2100. My daily routine (2022 edition) – .com

By popular request, and to celebrate episode 2100, I will tell you about my daily routine from Monday to Friday and on the weekends. Go for it!

But first, let’s remember that today ends the , with a couple of classes in which we will see how to avoid duplicate transactions, and how to check the electronic commerce configuration.

Also if you sign up, you will have access to the , the , and three months of free hosting. Go for it!

And now yes, let’s go for my routine. A few things have changed since that episode in 2014 (8 years ago), so I thought an update to 2022 would be interesting.

As always, here is the rundown of the episode as a summary, in case you want to get ideas for your own organization. 🙂

I also recommend you listen to my episode as well as the one in which I comment on how I manage Inbox 0.

I hope it will be of interest, either to apply something that you liked, or simply to satisfy that curiosity that some of us have about how other people organize themselves. If so, please let me know. 🙂

As always, thank you all so much for your five-star ratings on , on , and , subscribing to and for being there, on the other side. Without you this would not be what it is, without you this simply… It would not be!

Gentlemen, here is the program! It’s Friday, so you already know what it’s about: Rest, relax and recharge your batteries, because we return on Monday with more and better: Your questions, the protagonists of the day. Until then… Very good weekend!

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