30 inspiring marketing and business phrases from great industry gurus – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

It is a fact that marketing has made its way as one of the most important aspects in the business world today; and the truth is that outside this area it has also taken on great importance. Nowadays, marketing is talked about in almost any context and knowledge about it has become basic for many people. Especially from the influence of great figures of the economic and marketing ecosystem, such as , Bill Gates and , who from their achievements and words they drive people’s interest in this topic.

Bearing this in mind, we have decided to gather some of the best phrases of marketing and entrepreneurshipspoken by both celebrities and professionals in this medium, which could help motivate you and boost your business.

Marketing phrases: index

Phrases about the importance of marketing

Philip Kotler

The figure in charge of opening this list could not be other than Philip Kotlerwho is widely known as the father of modern. The contributions of this American economist and professor have helped shape the economic landscape as we know it today, giving us a more complete and conscious vision of what marketing is.

“Marketing is the art of creating genuine value for your customers.”

One of Kotler’s contributions, as we see in the previous sentence, is understanding marketing as a means by which to generate real value for customers. That is, marketing It’s not just about convincing consumers to buy a product, but to create a unique value that awakens in customers the desire to acquire a product or service. Starting from this point, marketing is a tool that has incredibly facilitated the work of promotion for merchants and companies, also giving rise to the generation of better products.

Jeff Bezos

The latter, links perfectly with what the famous founder of Amazon raised, in the following sentence:

“In the ancient world, you had to spend 30% of your time creating a good service and the remaining 70% spreading it. In the new world, this percentage is reversed.”

Phrases that help us understand the function of marketing and how to use it

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is undoubtedly one of the most relevant figures in the technological and business ecosystem of recent decades. Co-founder and former CEO of Manzana, Jobs became an icon for many entrepreneurs, and left behind a wide repertoire of phrases about business, marketing and entrepreneurship. Following on from the previous point, he lets us see what marketing is really about.

“A lot of times people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.”

With this, the late tycoon reveals the core value of marketing: making consumers see what they want to buy appealing to their needs, tastes and abilities. However, Jobs himself also reflects on how fickle audiences can be once they get what they want, and the need to be one step ahead, anticipating us.

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«You can’t ask customers what they want and then try to give it to them. By the time you make it they’ll want something new»

Andrew Davis

Although generating interest and arousing desire in the client is fundamental, it is also it is important to relate to themas Andrew Davis, speaker and author of best sellers about marketing.

“Content builds relationships. Relationships are based on trust. Trust drives revenue.”

Part of this process of relating to the client is also offering them incentives that help their loyalty. And that they make our brand stand out above the competition, which today with such a saturated market is of vital importance.

Philip Kotler

Following this order of ideas we return to Kotler, who offers great advice on how keep customers loyal to your brand.

“The best way to retain customers is to constantly think about how to give them more for less.”

Bill Gates

But even if we fail to satisfy our consumersit is still possible learn from them and improve in order to recover their interest in the future. According to Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and one of the most important faces in the technological landscape, it is precisely these customers who are the key to success for a company.

“Dissatisfied consumers are the greatest source of learning.”

Phrases about morality around marketing

James Walter Thompson

Undoubtedly, in a subject such as marketing and advertising it is difficult know when to set a limit and discern if what is being done is really correct. James Walter Thompson, advertising pioneer and founder of the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency, likens advertising to a force that can be both good and bad.

«Advertising is a force like electricity, which not only illuminates, but electrocutes. Its value to society depends on how it is used.”

Seth Godin

That said, it is necessary for businesses to maintain a criterion in the use of marketing and advertising, to avoid engaging in reprehensible behavior or that may affect the image of the brand. as it says Seth GodinAmerican businessman and one of the main marketing theorists:

“Making promises and being able to keep them is one way to build a brand.”

Godin clearly states in this sentence how marketing should be approached. East it should only promise something that could ultimately be given to the consumerOtherwise, it would only be generating a bad image for the brand and creating customer dissatisfaction.

Michelle Stinson-Ross

Closing this line of thought, Michelle Stinson-RossDirector of Marketing Operations at Apogee Resultssuggests that one of the cornerstones of marketing should not be focused on selling anything else, but on promoting the consumer.

“To continue to win the internet marketing game, your content has to be more than brilliant, it has to give the people who consume that content the ability to become a better version of themselves.”

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With this, he explains that the key to keeping up with the incipient marketing competition in the internet ecosystem is, precisely, to opt for more clever contentby means of which generate an impact and a change in consumerswhich encourages its growth so that it remains faithful to the brand.

Marketing phrases about the importance of having initiative and security

mark zuckerberg

However, it is not the growth and drive of consumers that should be the only thing on our minds. The first step to being successful is to try. This maxim has been more than internalized by the American founder of Facebook (since 2021 Meta), Mark, who at 38 years old has managed to be a recurring figure on the Forbes list of billionaires. Zuck has left us very interesting phrases referring to the importance of take risks and start a project.

«The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that changes very quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.»

Zuckerberg is clear that the path to success begins with oneself, so it is essential to trustBecause if you don’t do it, who will?

«People can be very intelligent or have really admirable abilities, but if they don’t believe in them and their ideas, they won’t work hard for them.»

Jack Ma

Likewise, the confidence in oneself is something that can result not only difficult to obtain, but to maintain. This is what the founder spoke of. , possibly the most famous Chinese executive in the world. ORn global eCommerce guru and one of the richest men of our time.

«Never give up. Today is difficult, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow the sun will rise.»

«If you don’t give up, you still have a chance. Giving up is the biggest mistake.»

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs also spoke of the importance of being constant and not throwing in the towel, for whom talent and passion are useless without perseverance.

I am convinced that at least half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is sheer perseverance.

Phrases about undertaking with criteria

Steve Jobs

We stick with Jobs for a bit longer, as the IT guru left us much more than a tech empire as a legacy.

«When you’re a carpenter making a beautiful chest of drawers, you’re not going to use a piece of plywood on the back, even though it sits on the wall and no one sees it. You’ll know it’s there, so we’re going to use a beautiful piece of wood on the back. To sleep well at night, aesthetics, quality, has to be taken to the end.»

Jobs knew the importance of innovation and attention to detail. Not only is it enough to create something, you have to know how to do it well.

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Elon Musk

With this agrees another famous figure, nothing more and nothing less than the richest man in the world: . An entrepreneur known for his ability to generate controversy, although, in this case, we have nothing to object to his vision:

«You shouldn’t do things differently just to make them different. They need to be better.»

Jeff Bezos

On the other hand, having criteria also means being able to understand how the world and the market work, becoming aware of how the long term. Bezos demonstrated this by making some startling statements about the future of his own company.

«Amazon is not too big to fail. In fact, one day Amazon will fail and go bankrupt. If you look at big companies, their lifespan is usually 30+ years, not 100+.

Marketing phrases that help reinterpret mistakes

Jeff Bezos

During his career, Bezos He has pronounced phrases that can be applied to personal life and business, extolling values ​​related to perseverance and innovation. Behind every great project there is always a row of previous mistakes behind it, to err is human and something totally inevitable when starting something new. The key is to be resilient and know how to extract lessons of those experiences.

«It’s okay to be wrong, but it’s not okay to be shy.».

For Bezos, it is better to be wrong than not to have the courage to try. Just as daring to take initiative is important, so is know how to deal with opinions or criticism of others, whether positive or negative and more or less right.

«If you can’t tolerate criticism, don’t do anything new or interesting.»

Bill Gates

Gates also spoke of the latter at the time, focusing on the importance of not being blinded by victories and pay attention to lossesbecause that is where more knowledge can be obtained.

«It’s okay to celebrate success, but it’s more important to heed the lessons of failure.».

Phrases about the importance of inspiring others

Jack Ma

Being inspiring, opening paths, becoming a reference and proof that it is possible to pursue goals, are aspects that are sometimes overshadowed by the rest of the implications of pursuing and achieving an objective. However, its importance is immense, since these…

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