671. Business idea: Dresses for dolls – .com

Today we are analyzing a very niche online business idea: Selling clothes for dolls. Let’s look at the case of Pixie Faire and its lean startup journey.

But first, let’s remember today we have two classes:

And now yes, let’s see the case of , a business idea that arose from a married couple (Jason and Cinnamon), when they described their daughter’s hobby for dolls. Go for it! As always, here is the index of the episode:

And here is the video I was talking about:

I hope this idea has interested you, and you already know it: Now it’s time to conceptualize the case, elevate it to a generic strategy, and propose how to follow those same steps in your sector, with your strengths.

As always, thanks for your ratings of , for subscribing to , and for being on the other side. We’ll hear each other tomorrow at 07:07, with a Perry Mason-style case, which you’ll surely like! Until then! 🙂

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