Advertising on Facebook or Instagram. Where does it work best? – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

I have three doses of vaccine, three. And I still can’t watch Netflix just by closing my eyes. And that in the repeater next to my house the 5G is activated. With the illusion that I was implanted with a microchip and you see, the most I have achieved (and that is if I concentrate a lot) is to watch the programs of the and its fascinating universe of popping pimples, extracting blackheads and removing lipomas , which are a kind of chicken breasts that come out under the skin.

I know it’s dirty, but it’s like bursting the bubbles of the ditto plastic, once you start you can’t stop.

In any case, it seems to me a scam that they create expectations and then they don’t work. If anyone knows who I have to complain to so they can update my microchip, send me an e-mail. I have tried with Miguel Bosé and he does not answer me.

Since I have to kill time while I wait to catch coverage, today we are going to talk, young Padawans, about another equally fascinating universe: that of online advertising and, more specifically, about a question that has been recurring lately about advertising on Facebook or Instagram and where it works best.

This question is similar to the question evil grandmothers ask children as soon as they know how to articulate four words: who do you love more, mom or dad?

The dilemma itself is based on a false premise, which is that you must choose a preferred channel for your advertising on social networks. To get started, An advertising strategy must be consistent with the activity of your business on the different networks. By now you should know that putting all your eggs in one basket is a very bad idea.

That is It is not about advertising on Facebook or Instagram, but about advertising on Facebook and Instagram. And in more networks if a) you are present in them and b) they are consistent with your . The fact that Instagram is more fashionable does not mean that Facebook has ceased to be a useful tool, far from it. I’ve already heard it a few times (and thought “Oh Lord, take me soon”).

Let’s be clear: that a social network is more fashionable, that there is more or less hype with it does not imply that it is always the best platform for advertisingbecause in that case everyone should be advertising themselves as possessed.

Advertising on Facebook or Instagram: What the data says

Well, it depends on what data. If we look at (the % of people who click on the ads), Facebook performs better than Instagram for the same budget and audience. That is for the same money with Facebook you get more clicks. A priori, that should mean that it gives better results than Instagram, right? Well no. The thing is not that simple or even remotely.

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When it comes to evaluating the results of an advertising campaign on social networks, you cannot just rely on the data that the networks themselves give you, because you can draw very wrong conclusions. Clicks are not the final goal, but the beginning of a process that must culminate in sales in your eCommerce, that is, . Measuring the results of a campaign solely by the number of clicks achieved is a bad idea.

But alas, the conversion goes through neighborhoods and not only depends on the advertising platform, but on many other factors, among which the content of the ad has a lot to do with it.

Before reaching the conversion, we can analyze quality indicators of the visits: the length of stay and the . For that we will have to resort to Google Analytics or one of its cousins, depending on your tastes. I do not consider myself qualified to say which is the best analytical tool for visits to your website, but

I tell you this because Meta (although Facebook dresses in silk, Facebook is and Facebook stays) does not report (nor is it expected to do so until climate change reaches hell and it freezes) of that data in its statistics, since that for them a click is a click and period. But that there are better and worse clicks.

To be able to do this analysis, by hell you are going to have to separate the ads that make up your advertising campaign on Facebook and Instagram into two different sets (even if you have to clone the ads in both) since that will allow you to the URL to which those ads redirect and then be able to identify them in Analytics. You also have an option in case you don’t separate the ads into two groups, which is to be able to analyze the results separately in Analytics and what you see is not a potato omelette, but without knowing how many eggs or how many potatoes you have used.

And that’s where the surprise comes in: you have more clicks coming from Facebook than from Instagram (if the budget was the same for both networks) but the quality of views is higher on Instagram: more dwell time and less bounce rate. A priori and with all the exceptions in the world, this should result in a better .

Does this mean that Instagram is better than Facebook? Not so fast. Wait for the next point.

If you do things right you can get more out of advertising on Facebook or Instagram

Doing things well means that a) you put yourself in the hands of professionals or b) you are very clear about what you want to do with your advertising. Let’s go to case b). What things should you take into account?

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1.Exactly the same ad on Facebook and Instagram is a mistake

And a tremendously common mistake. If we take into account that they are different social networks that use different languages ​​(especially visual languages), it makes little sense that the ads on both networks are the same. On Facebook, the text is more relevant and more visible than on Instagram, for example. Do the ads have to be totally different on each platform? No, but you do have to adapt them.

2. Targeting the same audience on both networks is an even bigger mistake

Since, as we have seen, you are going to have to separate the ads into two sets, take the opportunity to refine the audience in each of them. And no, the “young people on Instagram and the elderly on Facebook” is not so much like that anymore. If we understand by “older” people over 60 years old, you will find them much more on Facebook than on Instagram, but on the latter you have a very large group of people between 35 and 55 years old (which, sorry girls , but are no longer young) who are regular users.

3. Check the statistics of your followers on each network

It is very likely that they are different in terms of the weight of each gender and age group, so that will help you a lot to define the audience in each one and, as a consequence, both the target you are targeting and the content itself. announcements.

4. Use the Facebook pixel to measure conversions

It is a good tool that is very easy to incorporate into your eCommerce website, but beware, it is not infallible and less so from the . There are sales that are generated on networks that escape the radar of the pixel, for example many of those that are the result of a question or a query by private message or those that are made more than 7 days after seeing the ad. Not everyone who buys as a result of an advertising campaign does so immediately by clicking on the ad, don’t forget that.

5. Balance the budget for each network

This depends on which network your target audience prefers, but also on which network your business is most active and/or gets the most interactions. If it is your first campaign, you can start it allocating 50% to each platform, but then you must change that percentage throughout the development of your campaign depending on the results you are obtaining.

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6. There are things that work better on Instagram than on Facebook and vice versa

For example, ads in stories, which on Facebook do not have a dog to bark at them and on Instagram are much more effective. When deciding whether to insert your advertising campaign on Facebook or Instagram, you should be clear that if your campaign is based on the story format, it is better to forget about Facebook.

If you have to choose between advertising on Facebook or Instagram…

So that no one says I don’t get wet. For example, if your campaign is low-budget (let’s say less than €10/day), you may not want to disperse your ads too much and focus on a single network. In that case, the rule you should follow is the following:

Only Instagram in these cases:

  • Your preferred target is under 40 years old
  • Your campaign is intended for stories
  • The interactions you receive on your Instagram posts are much higher than those on Facebook.
  • The images in your ads have great visual appeal and tell a story on their own.

Only Facebook in these cases:

  • Your preferred target is over 50 years old
  • You consider that the text of your ad is essential
  • The interactions you receive on your Facebook posts are much higher than on Instagram

Eye, I am referring to if you have no other choice but to choose one of the two networks due to budget limitations, but it is still advisable to combine both networks in your campaign.

In short: This is not about taste, but about efficiency

And the effectiveness of advertising is measured in numbers. Just as no two companies are the same even if they sell the same thing, no two campaigns are the same, even if they promote the same business. Inserting a campaign with the “fire and forget” method as if it were a guided missile inevitably leads to wasting clicks that do not bring us anything and spend more than we should. A good advertising campaign on Facebook or Instagram (or both) needs constant monitoring and making adjustments throughout its duration based on what the results tell us.


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