Background refresh on iPhone. Is it worth activating it?

The background refresh, since its arrival, has been a function both praised and criticized. We tell you our opinion about it.

Today we stop talking about and we are going to talk about the background refresh and if we really need them or if they are simply to drain all the battery of our devices.

With the arrival of the background updates, it is true that opening and closing apps is much faster. That is, everything loads much faster and therefore the waiting time was much shorter. But, like almost everything, it has a good and a bad part. We have already mentioned the good news and the bad news is that our battery consumes much faster.

We are sure that many users have this option activated and do not really know what its function is. We explain what consequences it has on our devices.

What is the iPhone background update for?:

Background updates is an option that gives us Manzana so that all our applications are always up to date. This way when we access them, they will be loaded and ready to be used. This way we save ourselves from having to wait that short period of time for it to start and synchronize.

Let’s say this is the function of this option. Always be updated to be used at any time. Obviously, seen in this way, one can think that it is a really interesting option and that it will provide us with greater agility when carrying out our daily tasks with the device. And it’s really true, it makes everything ready to use.

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Is it worth it to have background updates activated?:

From our point of view, we have to say no. We don’t see that it is a function that we can’t get by with, that is, if we have to wait an extra second for our applications to load, we can do it perfectly. But this is not the main reason why we do not recommend having this function activated.

The main reason has to do with our battery, and it is that having this function activated makes our iphone either iPad They are constantly active, so it is more than likely that we will see a reduction in our battery life. In fact, it is one of those that we usually give.

Therefore, if what you want is to have greater autonomy in your devices, we must undoubtedly disable this feature. If, on the other hand, you are comfortable with this option activated and you are not concerned about the excess consumption, we recommend leaving it as it is. By default, this option is activated, so you would not have to touch anything at all.

You also have the option to activate only the apps that you are interested in having always updated at the moment. That is up to everyone’s taste.

If it does not allow you to disable or activate the “Background Refresh” option, you will surely have “low power mode” (battery icon in yellow) activated. Turn it off to be able to turn the option on and off.

And you, what do you think of the background update?. We look forward to your responses.

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