BBVA launches an offensive to keep Mercadona card customers

“We inform you that your Mercadona card, as well as that of your authorized parties, will be replaced by the BBVA Mastercard Shop Card.” This is what the letter that the bank is sending to users of the means of payment that has decided to stop using the Juan Roig supermarket chain reads, a statement that is already accompanied by the new card in the name of the client, ready for use.

“If you want to enjoy the BBVA Mastercard Shop Card as soon as possible, call the phone (…) to activate it,” underlines the bank’s offensive to convert users into its customers. “If you do not want the BBVA Mastercard Shop Card, you have two months from receipt of this letter to notify us (…). If you do not tell us anything before that date, we understand that you accept the substitution and on that date the Mercadona card will leave to be operational”, warns the letter, which elEconomista has accessed.

Asked about it, Mercadona sources tell this newspaper that, as they have been informing their customers, they have made the decision to withdraw their traditional card throughout 2020, understanding that “it no longer added value.” The service consisted of a card for exclusive use in its stores that allowed deferred payment of purchases without interest.

The card that Mercadona is going to withdraw this year. EE

The provider of the chain to offer this service was BBVA, and hence the financial institution is the one that now offers customers an alternative service before the end of the original system.

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The new one also lacks a commission for issuance and maintenance, and in turn offers the “full payment method”, which consists of paying everything spent “once a month, without interest”. The main difference, on the other hand, is that users will now be able to choose between “buying in all the establishments attached to Mastercard or limiting its use to Mercadona”, according to the information that BBVA sends to the clients of the Valencian company.

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