Borderless Legal Pages

How about Iciar,

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They are basic pages, built out of Elementor let’s say, since they are just text.
I have tried to change the template within the pages themselves (to default template, Elementor etc.) but all with the same result.

Changing the template of the page as such may not cause any effect since depending on said template it is for the use of the element itself

Considering the case you have two options

1-Copy and mount all the content in a section inside the constructor of Elementor

2-You apply defined width to these specific pages using CSS as for example for the indicated page it would be something like the following

max-width: 1200px;
margin: 0 auto;

Where the ID corresponds to the container of the post to modify and the max-width will define the width of the container of that text 😊


Answered: 02/17/2022 4:33 pm

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