Christmas Lottery 2015: the impact of a controversial campaign on networks – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

The Christmas lottery moves a large number of purchases in tenths each year. Millions of players who do not usually buy or place bets the rest of the year, come to a Lottery Administration when Christmas arrives, play half numbers with family, friends, etc. A moment awaited by an incredible number of people who, in addition, stars in one of the most anticipated campaigns every year. The case of the Christmas Lottery 2015 it has not been different.

Origin… and controversy of the 2015 Christmas Lottery announcement

As expected the opinions about the announcement of the Christmas Lottery 2015 have been emerging little by little, and, although many have liked the emotional story of Justin, many others have gone to the to criticize different aspects of the campaign.

The advertising agency Leo Burnett It has been the one that has assumed responsibility for this year’s Christmas Lottery campaign. In the social networks Curiosity has arisen to know the origin of Justino, the security guard at the mannequin factory. Given such a number of requests, the advertising agency had to explain that the spot was born from the collaboration between the Spanish firm bluy and the British Passion Pictures.

these explanations they have not convinced network users too much, who think that Spain has good animation professionals and it is neither necessary nor opportune to go to another country. This controversy has been transformed, over the days, into a trending topic with the hashtag #JustinoIsNotSpanish, with tweets like this one, from a Spanish animation studio.

Justice for Justin

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— klibre3d (@klibre3d)

(More) repercussion in networks of the announcement of the Christmas Lottery 2015

In Twitter, #justine It has been positioning itself in first place in the trending topics that receive the most tweets on the social network at the moment. Not too far in this ranking is Ludovico Einaudi, the creator of the beautiful piano melody that accompanies the ad. The theme “Nuvole Bianche” is being recognized on the net as a hit. The version we hear in the ad is not entirely the original, but has been arranged by Joan Martorell, who recognizes that the melody evolves at the same time as the main character.

As for the main message of the campaign, an attempt has been made to touch theto sensitive fiber of those who contemplate it, kindness, generosity, and the importance of the most human and supportive details. The campaign has entered with force in the social networks. The “El Pilar” mannequin factory, from the advertisement, will have its own profile on Facebook. In addition, the vigilante Justino already has his own account on Instagram.

The objective of the campaign: to excite

The main purpose of the 2015 Christmas Lottery announcement was to excite, and that has been achieved. Just like what happened with the bar announcement last year, the story of the characters who do not take any participation due to absentmindedness, or because their kindness and lack of ambition makes them more aware of those around them than buying a lottery, this story hooks, and people empathize with these characters. To create a magical atmosphere, the creators of the advertisement have looked for environments of factories from the beginning of the century, to give it a magical and mysterious touch.

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The Extraordinary Christmas Lottery Draw 2015 to be held on December 22 will distribute this year 2,240 million euros in prizes, of which 640 million correspond to El Gordo. After the draw there are many search engines in the network to check if the tenth has been awarded, as in the case of .

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