Facebook accounts without profile – .com

On many occasions we need create a Facebook account apart from the one we have personally. Normally it is because we need it for professional use; create and manage pages and advertisements of our business, or of third-party businesses.

One possibility is to create a Fake profilebut that is still one of , that is, if Facebook finds out, it will close it for you (and with it, all its pages). the same happens if we duplicate a user with our name; forbidden.

So what to do? Well, the good news is that there is a solution. The creation of a user without profile, or what is the same, a . The bad news is that it’s a bit messy… meaning there’s no “Create a Business Account” button on Facebook, but rather the process is weirder.

We must begin the process of (yes, yes… although we are not going to do it)fill in all the fields, hit the continue button twice (it asks us for segmentation issues, but as if nothing, let’s ignore everything)then we click on “Review the ad”, and we will arrive at a “special” page for creating Facebook accounts without a profile (see capture).

We are only asked for an email, a password, and a date of birth, no names or other personal information. with this account we will not be able see profiles, or have friends, we will not even appear in searches.

It is important that never create a profile for this account (although there is a button to do it), since then it would become a normal user. This account will only be for manage pages and ads (in the case that we want to create them)without Facebook closing our account, nor the profile, nor the pages associated with it.

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