Facebook Live Course #4. Video formats and how to upload them – .com

In the fourth class of the Facebook Video and Live Streaming course, we will learn about the different formats and types of videos that we can upload to the platform.

Platforms like Facebook accept a wide range of formats, however, there are certain more standardized formats that will allow us to upload higher quality video content and take much less time to process.

In this class we will know these formats, how we can export them and upload them to the platform. Let’s start!

In this class we have learned how we can upload videos to the platform, both through the Facebook Creator Studio tool that we learned about in the previous class, and directly from our Facebook Page.

It is extremely important that the content in video format that we upload to Facebook, or any other platform, have optimal image and sound quality so that it is attractive to our users who will consume said content.

Much of this work is in our way of editing, however, using one format or another is also an important factor. For this reason, we have known the most widespread formats.

We have also expanded knowledge on how to use the Facebook Creator Studio tool focused on videos. Likewise, we have seen how the interface will look when we have a recent Fan Page and how it will look when we reach the coveted monetization.

As homework, we will upload our first videos to the platform. Although we have used Premiere Pro as an example, we can use any other video editing application that we use to export it in the formats that we have learned in this class.

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Remind you that you can leave your questions through the platform, I will be happy to help you. See you in the next class!

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