How to choose the best hosting for 2018

Choosing a quality hosting is extremely important, since the proper functioning of your website depends on it. If one of your resolutions for the new year is to launch a new or a blog either personal or for your company, you must consider a series of fundamental aspects, including the hosting of your website. That is why today we will give you our recommendations to choose the best hosting for 2018.

What is a hosting

When considering the idea of ​​creating a website, you normally take into account the name you will give it, the design it will have, you decide to create a logo and you even visit other sites to choose the best template and content distribution, but normally those who do not have a great experience, do not worry about hosting.

In the digital world, hosting is a service that consists of offer hosting (space) on a server so that a user or company can host their website. In this way, the hosting company will be the one who saves all the files, such as text, images and templates that guarantee that users can access it at any time. Thus, when writing the url of your website, the call will be made to the hard disk where the information is stored and can show it as quickly as possible to the Internet user.

How to choose the best hosting for 2018

Now that you know the importance of choosing the best hosting for 2018, or if you are looking for new, more functional options to change hosting for next year, we will detail what characteristics you should take into accountaccording to your needs.

  • Storage space: You must take into account the type of website you are going to create, if it will have a large number of images, if it will be an eCommerce, if it is a blog, the number of posts you will create, the type of platform you are going to create, and to give you an approximate idea of ​​the space you will need to host your website. It is best that it is scalablethat is, that you can start with an amount of storage space, and if the needs of your website grow, you can change to a hosting with more space at any time.
  • upload speed: it is a fundamental aspect to give a good customer experience and prevent them from leaving every time they want to access your website.
  • Service and customer support: It is essential that you have support 24 hours a day because if any unforeseen event arises, it can be resolved as soon as possible. Also check that the attention is in a language that you speak, since sometimes it is very attractive to have an international company, but will you be able to communicate with them in Spanish whenever you need to?
  • Safety: your website must have protection, thus preventing others from affecting it and harming it.
  • Services: you must verify that it includes access via FTP, if it includes mail with your domain name, that it complies with the , ensuring the trust of the data of your users and clients, and complying with existing legislation.
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Cloud hosting or CDN

You should also consider the possibility of using a cloud hostingwhere the web page will be located on several physically separate servers that are interconnected forming a network to host the web pages.

With this type of hosting you can get better performancealthough it is much more expensive and is typically indicated for larger websites.

You can also choose a CDN Hostingwhich is a type of computer infrastructure in which several geographically distributed computers are intertwined in several data centers, which They store some of the information and content of the websites and send them to the end user.

Among its advantages are that they are one more security barrier against computer attacks, improving performance and loading times since the end user will be served from the copy that is physically closest to you. It is the ideal solution for small and medium websites that can afford it without much effort.

In the market there are a large number of alternatives to choose a hosting for 2018, which meets the objectives that you have set for yourself. Of course the choice will depend on those goals and the particular needs of each website.

A good option to choose hosting for 2018 is Raiola Networksand if you plan to start hosting for 2018, you can take advantage of it now and start or improve your website.


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