APA is the most used format and accepted to regulate the methods of writing references and bibliographic citations, which may vary according to various cases.
It is for this reason that, in the next post we will teach you how cite a PDF file following APA standardseasily and extremely quickly.
In case of electronic books
The APA format to apply begins with the author’s name and surname, along with the year of publication of the text. The next thing is to indicate the title of the book in italics, then you will have to indicate the format of the e-book in square brackets and add a period at the end. Lastly, provide the URL where the eBook is available for reading.
Format: Author’s last name, first letter of his/her name. (Year of publication). ebook title . Available at: URL.
Example: Cortazar, J. (1963). Hopscotch . Available at: https://freeditorial.com/
In case of articles
If you need to cite an article in PDF, write the author’s last name and initial, as well as his Year of publication in parentheses. Then, the title of the article, the name of the journal and the volume number are placed in italics, along with the edition number in parentheses.
Subsequently, attach the range of pages or electronic locator to access it and, separated by a period, the URL or “DOI” number is indicated, where the article can be viewed or obtained.
Format: Author’s last name, initial. (Year of publication of the article). Article title. Magazine name, Volume (edition number), page range or electronic locator. URL or DOI.
Example: Garza, D. (2014). Video games: A recreational medium. ScienceUANL, 69 (7), 85 pages. Obtained from: http://cienciauanl.uanl.mx/
In case of thesis or dissertation
In these cases, the author’s last name is indicated followed by his initial in capital letters and the year of publication in parentheses. Separated by a point, the job title in italics, specifying the type of thesis or dissertation and the name of the university in square brackets. Then, you must indicate the name of the file and, after a period, the URL where said PDF is located.
Format: Last name, Initial of the author. (Year of publication). Work title . File name. URL to find the PDF.
Example: Argueta, D. (2010). Newspaper analysis of the headlines of violent events published on the front pages of the written media El Periódico and Prensa Libre during the 31 days of January 2009 . Library uses. http://biblioteca.usac.edu.gt/tesis/16/16_0749.pdf
In case of whitepaper
When it comes to these elements, only the name of the organization or company and the year of publication are placed in parentheses. Subsequently, its title along with two points to add its subtitle in italics, with the term “Whitepaper” in brackets. Finally, the name of the editor and the URL to access it are attached.
Format: Organization name’s. (Year). Whitepaper title: subtitle . Publisher’s name. URL to find it.
Example: OfficeTribe. (2022). Employment Engagement: the complete guide . Tride. https://office.tride.comk/emplyment/uploads/1234/White-Paper-Emplyment-guide-PDF-1234.pdf
In case of reports
For these texts, write the author’s last name and the initial of his or her first name, with the year of publication in parentheses. Subsequently, the title of the report is specified along with a colon to add its subtitle, all in italics. Then, it is pointed out report number in parenthesesname of the editor and its respective URL.
Format: Last name, Initial of the author. (Year of publication). Title: subtitle (Report number). Publisher’s name. URL.
Example: Pérez, P. (2010). A test: text. (Report number WA-RD 1). Hearts Editorial. https://www.probation.de.texto.perez/reports/123-1.pdf
In the case of works without author and title
If you do not have the author and title of the work, you can use the file description in square bracketsinstead of entering the name of the author and writing the date of publication of the document.
Format: (, Date)
Example: (, 2014)
In the case of works without title and publication date
If the title and its corresponding publication date are missing, you must use the abbreviation “yes”, which means “no date”, in parentheses.
Format: (Author, sf).
Example: (Pedro Palomares, sf)
In case of brochures
When it comes to elements of this type in PDF format, it is necessary to attach the name of the organization, the year of publication in parentheses and its title, along with the term “User information” either “Pamphlet” in square brackets. Then, the name of the editor and the URL to view it are indicated.
Format: Company name. (Year). Qualification either . Publisher’s name. URL.
Example: PhoenixContact. (2014). Inspiring Innovations. PHOENIX CONTACT, SAU https://www.phoenixcontact.com/assets/downloads_ed/global/web_dwl_promotion/52001337_ES_INT_Fibro_LoRes.pdf
Through this detailed guide, you will be able to cite your different PDF files with APA standards in a simple way.