How to DEACTIVATE an Instagram account temporarily

If you like deactivate an Instagram account temporarilyit is possible to do it and it is that simple.

Today we are going to teach you Temporarily deactivate your Instagram account. A really good option if we want to be offline for a while and don’t want anyone to know about us. Of course, it has nothing to do with .

If we talk about , we are talking about one of the social networks with the most potential that we can find today. Besides, his app Mobile, which unlike other social networks, is its great strength, is becoming more and more powerful. We say that it is powerful, because it offers us almost everything we can ask for. Even if we want you to be absent…

That’s right, if we want to go away for a while, we can do that too. And by doing so, no one will be able to visit our profile and of course, no one will be able to hear from us. So, if you want to know how, we’ll explain it to you now…

How to deactivate an Instagram account temporarily:

What we must do is go to our profile and access our account settings. It is important to know that we cannot do it from the appwe must do it from the web version of .

When we have accessed our account from the web version, we go to our profile and click on the tab “Edit profile”.

Inside, we go to the end of this menu and we will see a new tab with the name “Temporarily deactivate my account.” This will be where we should click.

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Now we will have to select the reason why we want to deactivate our account and then enter our password again.

We will now have the account deactivated.

How to activate or enable a deactivated account:

To activate it again, simply enter the app or from the website and re-enter our username and password. When you log in it will be reactivated automatically.

In this simple way we can be away from social networks for a while, in case we need a break or disconnect from everything for a while.

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