How to download your work life in less than a minute: this is all the information it contains

Throughout their professional career, citizens have different documents that reflect the most important information about their contributions, jobs and other data of interest. Of all of them the most notable, and probably the most popular, is the report on working life.

As it is such a key document for the worker (it becomes their bible in terms of hours worked, days paid…) Social Security does not stop using its official channels to explain everything related to it. The body, , has explained what information contains working life.

Thus, it has been reported that the worker’s Social Security Number, the periods he has contributed (in days), the type of working day he has had at all times and his personal data must be included in his working life. The agency urges citizens to check it periodically to avoid unexpected shocks or problems.

To check it, the citizen will have to access that working life and the fastest way to do it is through Import@ss, the . Specifically, you must choose the service ‘Report on work life’, which can be accessed .

However, to obtain the employment history report by this means, it is necessary to have a digital certificate (), electronic DNI, Cl@ve PIN or permanent () or carry out the procedure via SMS provided that the mobile phone number is in the Social Security.

Accessing with any of these methods, the citizen will have in less than a minute the working life with the possibility of downloading it in PDF format. Social Security explains that the information will be updated at the time of consultation, although the periods worked abroad and those related to compulsory military service or substitute social benefit will not be available.

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The information contained in working life is varied. The Social Security explains that all of them allow the consultation of “your registration and withdrawal situations in the different Social Security schemes and the number of days you have been registered”. You can filter by type of contract, working hours, companies, schemes, time periods…

So you can get the letter of working life to your home

In case of not having any of the aforementioned access methods, the citizen has the possibility of requesting the sending of the work life report to his home, which has always been known as the sending of the labor letter that arrived at home from our parents with information about their professional career.

To do this, you must access the service ‘Report on work life at my home’, . You just have to enter your personal data (name, surnames, DNI, date of birth and an email address) and the address of our home, which must match the one that Social Security has registered in its database.

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