How to make an appointment with Social Security: pensions, Minimum Vital Income…

Although the usual tendency of the Administration is to give priority to telematic methods to carry out all kinds of procedures, the truth is that certain people may prefer more personalized and traditional attention such as that received in an office. This also happens with Social Security, which has different services for obtaining an appointment so that citizens can go to their centers to receive information on pension procedures or any benefit.

The organization that requires a prior appointment to process pensions or benefits such as the Minimum Vital Income at any of the Service and Information Centers of the National Social Security Institute (CAISS). This prior appointment can be obtained through two different ways: online or by phone.

Request an appointment online at Social Security

There are several options that Social Security makes available to citizens:

-Through the ‘Your Social Security’ portal. the citizen will have to enter the platform, but only if they have a digital certificate () or Cl@ve ().

-On the Social Security website. Options are enabled to access with or without digital certificate, so that any citizen with internet access can get an appointment by this means.

People who do not have a digital certificate must choose that option and provide their name and surname, DNI or NIE, their mobile phone number and their email address (this is optional). Subsequently, you will have to choose between the first available appointment in the postal code that we indicate or a personalized one. After that, a security verification response must be answered.

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The next step will be to select the procedure that you want to carry out at the Social Security office: pension applications, Minimum Vital Income applications, applications for other benefits, applications for a digital certificate or Cl@ve or an appointment to receive telephone attention. Citizens must choose the one that suits their needs and then the prior appointment that best suits them from all those shown by the system.

Once everything has been selected, the system will give the citizen a confirmation number (necessary in cases of modifications or cancellations) that will arrive by SMS to the mobile phone and also by email if you entered it in the personal data.

Request an appointment by phone at Social Security

Citizens who prefer to make an appointment by phone may do so by calling 91 541 25 30 or 901 65 70. The mechanism is as follows: they must press the keys of the telephone from which they call or respond verbally to the questions that a recording phone will do to you throughout the process.

Thus, the citizen must choose the procedure they want to do, the postal code, the DNI and if they want the first appointment available or prefer a personalized one. When you finish the process by choosing the desired date, time and place, the system will give you a locator with which you can later delete your appointment if you prefer.

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