How to MAKE greater/minor or equal signs in Excel

Punctuation or mathematical marks are very useful when writing about any topic on the computer. The latter are especially necessary for accounting documents made in Excel. However, some symbols such as “Greater than or equal to” and “Less than or equal to” They are not visible to the naked eye on the keyboard. Which makes the task of using them a little complicated, especially in the case of inexperienced or beginner users.

Since, sometimes, the digital distribution of keys is not the same as what is observed in the physical aspect. In this sense, a completely different sign may appear than the one you thought to use on the keyboard. However, there are commands that you can use to add the “Greater than or equal to” symbols and “Less than or equal to” in Excel. Likewise, you have the option of using the program’s character map or tools menu.

Using codes

Through codes you can write different symbols with the help of the Alt key combined with numbers, including the greater/lesser or equal to sign. It can be used on both desktop and laptop computers. However, for the latter you need to activate a special function, since they do not have an independent numeric keypad. With this in mind, see how to do it, below.

On Windows

On computers with this type of Operating Systems, you must enter the following codes:

  • Greater than or equal to (≥): Alt+242
  • Less than or equal to (≤): Alt+243

On Mac

In this type of computers, the codes to use differ from the previous ones. These are:

  • Greater than or equal to (≥): ⌥ + >
  • Less than or equal to (≤): ⌥ + <
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With the help of the toolbar

If you couldn’t do it for some reason with the previous option, you can try this alternative. Using the Excel toolbar you can include the signs you need. See the steps to follow below:

  1. Click on the “tabInsert”.
  2. Choose “Symbols”.
  3. Press “Symbol”.
  4. Doing so will open a window with different symbols. Select the one that corresponds to your needs.
  5. Click “Insert”.

When you finish you can close the window and you will find the sign you added in the selected cell. The process is extremely fast, as well as simple.

Other signs

Now, there are other symbols that are very similar and you may need to use it. Therefore, here is a list of codes for each Operating System:

Greater than (>)

  • In Windows code is used ALT+62
  • In Mac used Shift + >
  • In Linuxthe code ” is usedCTRL + Shift + u” and then press “e3

Less than (<)

  • In Windows code is used ALT+60
  • In Mac used ALT + <
  • In Linux the code ” is usedCTRL + Shift + u” and then press “3c

Same (=)

  • In Windows used Shift += either ALT+61
  • In Mac used Shift + ALT + 8
  • In Linux code is used CTRL+Shift+u+3d. Then release the first three buttons and hold 3d

Finally, it is necessary to mention that any of the methods mentioned (with the exception of the Excel toolbar) can be used in other Microsoft office programs, such as Word.

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