Excel is a tool that is used to perform various tasks. Among these, the most notable are those of making accounts and spreadsheets. Taking this into account, you have surely tried place or put a power or exponential in Excel, but you don’t know how to do it or you haven’t achieved it. You should know that this is very easy to do or will only require a few simple steps.
In this post, you will find a guide to the procedure to follow to put an exponential or power in this office automation program. You must take into account that There is no single method to perform this actionand in this article you will find a step-by-step guide to do it using the circumflex accent and even using the Kutools tool.
With the circumflex accent
Putting powers or exponents in Excel with the circumflex accent involves carrying out procedures similar to those applied with other types of mathematical symbols (such as +,* or -). This is a perfect option for users with knowledge of formulas of Excel.
In the case of the circumflex accent (^) it is recommended to take the following steps into account:
- First of all, you must select the cell in which you want put the exponential.
- In Excel, The formulas are made from the “=” sign. Therefore, to put a power or exponential, start by putting the “=”.
- Next, indicates the number that will be the base and then place the circumflex accent (^). This symbol can be found to the right of the “P” or on the 6 key. In the following tutorial, the number 2 will be taken as an example.
- Now, put the number that will be the exponent. In this case, the number 4 will be used.
- Press “Enter”, and you will notice how Excel will automatically interpret the symbols placed, thus representing the exponent and generating the result of the calculation directly. In this example, the result is 16.
With the power function
Using the power function it is possible to put an exponential or power in Excel directly, since it is a previously configured tool in the program.
You can put a power or exponential using this function as follows:
- Select the cell to which you want to put the power or exponential.
- Place the “=” symbol to start a formula in the chosen cell.
- To create the power, you must write the word after the “=” “Power” next to base number and its exponent in parentheses, separated by a semicolon (;). In this case, the following example was made: “=Power (2;5)”.
- Now, all you have to do is press the “Tab” or “Enter” key to get the result of the operation directly. In this case, it is 32.
With Kutools for Excel
If for some reason you cannot perform the procedures mentioned above, you have this last option. It’s about a tool kit specifically designed to solve these types of problems quickly and easily.
To perform this procedure, you have to follow the steps mentioned below:
- Install the Kutools tool for Excel, which can be purchased on the website dedicated to professional Microsoft Office add-ins.
- Once installed, it will appear among the other options that make up the menu bar of Excel, specifically after the “View” menu.
- Place yourself in the cell with the base number (or numbers) for the power, previously noted and selected. In this case, we use: 2, 3, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
- Go to Kutools, select the option “Edition” and then click “Further”.
- Under “More”, you will find a series of options dedicated to different types of calculations. To put a power or exponential, you must give Click on “Operation Tools…”.
- By clicking on this option, a dialog box with different tools intended for mathematical operations. Then select “Exponential”.
- Once located in “Exponential”, you will be able to insert the number that will be the exponent to perform your respective calculation. Additionally, the tool offers a preview with the power results. In this case, number 2 is used as an example.
- Then it will only be necessary to give click OK to obtain the result of the power of said numbers quickly and immediately.
Note: In case you want create formulasyou can also check the option “Create formulas”. Now, if the selected cells have formulas and you want skip calculation of its bases, you can click on “Skip formula creation”.
To perform mathematical calculations instantly, there is no better option than this Microsoft program. So if you’re wondering how to put a power or exponential in Excelaccounts with different alternatives adapted to your knowledge to represent this type of operations in the best way.