How to request a REFUND for a SUBSCRIPTION from Apple

We are going to teach you request a refund for a subscription you paid for from your Apple account. A way to get your money back on a subscription you’ve inadvertently paid for.

There are many questions that we receive about this topic and today we bring you one of ours to give you the answer.

Manzana It allows you to process refunds for apps, movies, songs… and also for subscriptions to payment services. Of course, you must meet some bases to be able to request it. We tell you everything below with video and everything.

How to ask Apple to refund a subscription. Get your money back:

In the following video we explain how to request this type of refund. Giving to play The right moment should appear in which we talk about how to ask for the money you have paid in a subscription to be returned to you. (If when you press the video does not appear at that moment, tell you that we start talking about it in a minute 3:31):

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The first thing we have to do is enter one.

Once we access this website, it will ask us for our Apple ID, which we will have to enter to have access to all the applications, movies, songs, subscriptions… that we have purchased for this account. They will be ordered by chronological order of payment.

We look for the paid subscription for which we want a refund and click on “Point”to indicate that we have a problem with it.

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If it doesn’t show up, you have to wait. Sometimes, it has taken us up to 2-3 hours to appear on that list.

Now, in the list of options, we will select the one that best suits our situation.

After accepting the refund request, we will have to wait to receive a confirmation email. Possibly yes Manzana Assess that you do not meet the conditions for the return (for example, you enjoy the subscription for 20 days and then request a refund), you will not be refunded anything. That is why we recommend you request them as close as possible to the payment date.

If you accept the refund, in a few days you will have the money in your account.


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