How to use special fonts with Google Font – .com

A few days ago I wrote an article about . In them he reviewed up to 5 forms to be able to show so that the user could see them without problems. Well, today it’s time to add a new possibility that is on its way to being the best. Y .

let’s start with Google Font API. The idea is simple; Google saves and loads the fonts, and we just display them via CSS. Let’s see an example with the font “Tangerine”:

Text in Tangerine

As we can see, text allows effects like shadows, besides being selectable like any other text on the web. The application is extremely easy. We simply have to incorporate this style sheet:

And then define the CSS style:

Tangerine text

In this example we have defined the style inline (on the page itself)but we could also do it in a style sheet, as indicated in the instructions for . speed and load behavior. Accepts Chrome 4.249.4+, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 3.1+, Opera 10.5+ and Explorer version 6+.

Currently we can use 18 fonts What can we find in it ; Cantarell, Cardo, Crimson Text, Droid Sans, Droid Sans Mono, Droid Serif, IM Fell, Inconsolata, Josefin Sans Std Light, Lobster, Molengo, Nobile, OFL Sorts Mill Goudy TT, Old Standard TT, Reenie Beanie, Tangerine, Vollkorn and Yanone Kaffeesatz. We can also load other fonts with the . Simply brilliant, simply brilliant!

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