I have just been approved for the Minimum Vital Income, what day does each bank pay it?

The Minimum Vital Income (IMV) has been one of the star measures of the current coalition government. With almost a year of life, the Executive calculates that it will benefit almost a million households throughout Spain. However, even with many doubts and obstacles, once approved, each bank has its payment terms always within what is estimated by law.

In the text of the , specifically in its article 11, it is mentioned when the IMV is charged. “The right to receive the benefit will be born from the first day of the month following the date of presentation of the request”. Thus, on the 1st of each month this aid will be collected. In the case of April, it falls on a Thursday.

However, it is in its second point when it is explained that “this payment will be made by bank transfer, to the account of the holder who has requested this benefit.” Therefore, in the same way that happens in other payments, the entity can advance.

In addition, in the case of the first payment being in April, this aid will depend on whether it was approved before the payroll was closed (March 10-12). If so, it will be deposited in April, while otherwise the first payment will arrive in May.

I just got approved for the IMV. When am I going to collect it? It depends on when you were approved:
????If it was before the payroll closed (March 10-12), you will receive it on the first business day of April.
????If it was later, you will collect it on the first business day of May.
??The exact day depends on the bank

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— Attention to citizens of @inclusiongob (@incluinfo)

As the different entities have been indicating throughout these months, these are the days on which the aid is paid by the IMV (for the following month):

– Santander: in the case of April, Wednesday, March 24.

– CaixaBank: March 25.

– BBVA: March 25.

– Abanca: between March 23 and 25.

– Bankinter: between March 23 and 25.

– Ibercaja: between March 23 and 25.

– ENG: March 25.

– Bankia: March 25.

– Sabadell: between March 23 and 25.

-Liberbank: March 25.

– Cajasur: March 25th.

– Unicaja: March 29.

– DeutscheBank: March 26.

– Kutxabank: March 25.

– Labor Kutxa: March 26.

What are the requirements to access the IMV?

The website of the Ministry of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda details them:

– Be 23 years old or older or be of legal age if you have dependent children.

– Not be a beneficiary of contributory retirement or permanent disability pensions, as well as non-contributory retirement or disability pensions.

– Complete at least one year of residence in Spain.

– Have lived independently for one year in the case of families and three in the case of individuals.

– In the case of cohabitation units, that this has been formed one year before the request.

– Request in advance the benefits to which you may be entitled.

– Be registered as a job seeker.

How to request the IMV?

The interested person must submit an application through the Social Security online channels, although there are also two extra ways: request it by ordinary mail or at the local entities and Autonomous Communities that have signed agreements for the management of this procedure.

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– DNI, birth certificate or family book to prove identity.

– Certificate of registration to prove residence.

– Enrollment in the central registry of foreigners, the family card of a citizen of the European Union or the residence permit to prove legal residence in Spain.

– Certificate of registration, family book, registration in the civil registry or de facto couples to prove the unit of coexistence.

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