In which cases can Social Security take away the Minimum Vital Income

More than two years after its launch, the Minimum Vital Income reaches more than 1.3 million people integrated into half a million households. The benefit, far from benefiting all its potential recipients, has become a consolidated tool for people with limited resources in Spain.

Although the Minimum Vital Income is designed to economically cover citizens who have little or no income, its collection is not indefinite. Not only because it is no longer received as soon as personal income exceeds the guaranteed income, but also because Social Security can suspend and even definitively extinguish its collection when the beneficiaries incur in a series of circumstances.

The agency summarizes it in an easy and forceful way: the collection of the Minimum Vital Income “will be maintained as long as the reasons that gave rise to its granting subsist and the requirements and obligations provided for in the Law are fulfilled.” Otherwise, Social Security will act ex officio to suspend that collection.

When they suspend the collection of the Minimum Vital Income

The regulations propose different situations in which the Minimum Vital Income can be suspended for one of its beneficiaries. This suspension will take place from the first day of the month following the cause of suspension or in which Social Security is aware of the cause of suspension. These causes are the following:

-Temporarily lose any of the essential requirements to collect the Minimum Vital Income.

-Temporarily failing to comply (both the beneficiary and the people in their cohabitation unit) with any of the obligations required when collecting the Minimum Vital Income.

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-That there are indications of non-compliance with obligations or requirements, both by the beneficiary and by their cohabitation unit. In this case, the suspension would be a precautionary measure.

-Moving abroad for a period of less than 90 days without notifying Social Security or without justification. This measure is also precautionary.

-Failure to deliver within the established period the communication of the maintenance or modification of the certificates issued by social services or third sector organizations when so foreseen. It is another precautionary measure.

-Not filing the Income Tax return for two consecutive years.

-Breach of income and equity limits.

-Any other cause established by regulation.

The suspension will be maintained for as long as the cause of suspension continues, but if the suspension reaches one year, the Minimum Vital Income will be considered extinguished. On the other hand, if the cause for suspension disappears before then, the citizen will collect the benefit again from the first day of the month following that of the causal event.

When can the Minimum Vital Income be extinguished?

Social Security also has the power to definitively extinguish the Minimum Vital Income that a citizen receives. The effects are from the first day of the month following the cause of the extinction (or in which the body is aware of it) and these causes are the following:

-Maintain the suspension of the Minimum Vital Income for one year.

-Lose definitively any of the obligations or requirements to collect the Minimum Vital Income.

-Relinquish the Minimum Vital Income.

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-The death of the holder of the Minimum Vital Income.

-Moving abroad without notifying Social Security or in an unjustified manner for periods of more than 90 days.

-Repeated failure to comply with the conditions for the compatibility of the Minimum Vital Income with the development of self-employment or employment.

-For resolutions relapsed in a sanctioning process.

-For any other reason determined by regulation.

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