Income 2018 | Prior appointment with the Treasury: how to request an appointment to make the declaration

The Tax Agency has established two prior appointment systems. One to reserve the day and time to prepare and present the Income Statement at the Treasury offices and the other so that the agency itself calls the taxpayer, Plan We Call You, to settle the 2018 IRPF by telephone. Taxpayers will be able to use the face-to-face service as long as their income from work does not exceed 65,000 euros and the return on capital does not exceed 15,000 euros. .

Since the past of 2018 that starts next April 2. From this day on, taxpayers will be able to present the IRPF draft, but the day before, on April 1, the appointment period for the We Call Plan opens.

The Tax Agency makes available to taxpayers the service to make the declaration by telephone. Until June 28, you can request the day and time that the agency will contact the person who wishes to prepare and submit the Income Tax Return.

The prior appointment can be requested through the Internet, through the mobile application of the Tax Agency or by calling by phone (901 12 12 24 and 91 535 73 26 to arrange it automatically or on 901 22 33 44 and 91 553 00 71 to receive personalized attention).

Once the appointment with the Treasury has been requested, all you have to do is wait for the call. The Tax Agency warns that at the time of the call the holder of the return will be authenticated and the spouse will have to be present if filing jointly.

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The taxpayer must have available the reference number of the holder or holders of the return, the DNI number of all the people who appear on the return, the IBAN number of the bank account and the cadastral references of all the properties owned or where you live for rent. If you live in a rented property, you will also need the NIF of the landlord and the amounts paid for the rent.

Face-to-face assistance in offices to prepare and present the IRPF

The Tax Agency will also request the amount of the fees paid to unions and the fees paid to professional associations, proof of the amounts received for canceled insurance and that have been contracted before December 31, 1994 or any other proof that could give right to regional deductions or other tax benefits.

The Treasury also maintains the service to prepare and present the declaration in person at the offices of the Tax Agency or collaborating entities from May 14 to July 1. From May 9 to June 28, 2019, you can request an appointment for this service online from this, the Tax Agency app and on the phones 901 22 33 44 or 91 553 00 71 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Mondays to Friday, with NIF/NIE.

Requirements for the face-to-face declaration and Plan We Call You

Not all taxpayers will be able to use these services. They will not be able to prepare the IRPF settlement with the help of the Tax Agency officials in person if their income from work exceeds 65,000 euros or their income from capital amounts to more than 15,000 euros.

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Nor when there is income from the rental of more than two properties or two contracts. As well as assumptions of economic activities in direct estimation, or changes in assets from more than two transmissions, whether it is the sale of real estate or other assets.

There are no rental limits for the We Call Plan service. However, all taxpayers with some type of income from real estate capital such as rentals are excluded. Nor can they use it when they have registered any income from economic activities, either by direct estimation or by modules, with which the self-employed are left out of this service. They will also not be able to use this route if deductions are going to be applied for international double taxation, regularization of the floor clause and compensation for capital losses from previous years.

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