Hygienic cloth or surgical masks are, in principle, the ones that healthy people should use. However, several scientific studies and organizations recommend that to avoid the transmission of viruses, especially in closed spaces, FFP2 or KN95 type masks be used.
The Government’s recommendation: surgical masks for healthy people and KN95 or FFP2 for health personnel
It establishes that healthy people must use hygienic and surgical masks, while FFP2 masks must be reserved for health personnel or for people who are in contact with someone infected. “They are fundamentally recommended for use by professionals to create a barrier between a potential risk and the user. They may also be recommended for vulnerable groups due to medical indication,” the Government explained in a document on the use and type of masks. However, science and the latest research recommend that FFP2 and KN95 masks be used in closed spaces where a lot of time is going to be spent.
FFP2 masks, the best according to the expert in medical equipment Dräger
The FFP2 masks is an Individual Protection Equipment whose purpose is to filter the inhaled air, preventing the entry of polluting particles into our body. These masks must have the CE marking and the reference to the UNE EN-149 standard, which ensures compliance with a quality standard. This type of protection has a minimum filtration efficiency of 92% and a maximum leakage to the outside of 8%. Companies like “It is essential to use the mask correctly to avoid the risk of transmission by aerosols. At Dräger we want to always be on the side of citizens, offering all our experience,” explains Dionisio Martínez de Velasco, Managing Director of Dräger Iberia.
KN95 masks, the best according to a study by the University of Cambridge
KN95 masks are also Personal Protection Equipment that provide a level of safety similar to FFP2 masks. In addition, a team of researchers from the University of Cambridge and Northwestern University (United Kingdom) has carried out a study in which they conclude that the NK95 mask fabric was the most effective in protecting against the virus, but less than a vacuum bag. HEPA.
Surgical masks, the least protective according to a Cesic researcher
As explained at the beginning, surgical masks are the ones that the healthy population should use. The truth is, they are the ones that have the best balance between comfort and protection against Covid-19. However, José María Lagarón, a researcher at the CSIC’s Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology, warned in an interview with the NIUS portal that “surgical masks are not suitable for interiors.” Moreover, the scientist assured that in closed spaces he does not use anything other than FFP2.