LEDit 4 is a utility to put full-screen luminous messages on your iPhone

Communicating between people is essential. Now, there are thousands of ways to do it. And with one more appears, different from the ones we are used to. Because we are facing an app that places luminous messages on your screen to communicate with others.

Light messages with iPhone for noisy (or quiet) environments

Testing, testing 📢

— Eduardo Archanco (@eaala)

LEDit 4 is a fairly simple utility. It brings illuminated traffic signs and other places to the screen of our iPhone and iPad. When we open the app we will come across a screen where we can customize the settings of our message:

  • Color of the letters, red, yellow, green, blue, violet or orange and their intermediates.
  • Adjust the speed at which the message moves across the screen, if it is long.
  • The zoom to the letters of the message, so that they take up more or less of the screen.
  • Choose the shape of the “pixel”, whether square or round, invert the colors, make a mirror mode and repeat the message.

LEDit 4 is an app that requires your recipient to be looking at you in order to receive the message. It may be appropriate when we do not want to attract attention or cannot use a messaging or calling app. A work meeting where you want to notify one of your assistants about something (or from outside if they are in a room with glass walls), in a class or the library.

With LEDit 4 you can put phrases from your favorite groups and use it at a concert. Here, the beginning of the song John Boy’s Fan Club.

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It has a version for iPad, so messages will appreciate having a larger screen. However, it would be advisable to have an option to have multiple rows of text at the same time. A long message that would fit in 3 or 4 rows, without moving, would be a good option.

LEDit 4 is a paid app. It costs and is one of the best valued in its category. Of course, its design is quite good. It has a total of 10 different fonts, two of which are free. You can unlock the rest with individual purchases or a total purchase.

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