LIVE: Demonstrations throughout Spain against the labor reform – 02/19/12 –

Several thousand people have demonstrated today in the eight Andalusian capitals against the labor reform, with the largest marches in Córdoba, Málaga, Granada and Seville, in the latter led by the Andalusian general secretaries of the CCOO and UGT, Francisco Carbonero and Manuel Pastrana.

In Seville, the march started from the Puerta de Jerez behind a large banner reading “No to ineffective, useless and unfair labor reform”, amid a sea of ​​banners from the convening unions and some republican flags.

The headquarters of the Andalusian PP, on Calle San Fernando, was protected by fences and a large police deployment and the main protest scenes took place in front of it, with whistles, boos and shouts of “out, out”.

The union leaders have announced that this will be the first of a series of “wave” demonstrations that will continue on the 29th with new demonstrations throughout Spain against a policy that “never attacks the powerful and places the entire cost of the crisis on ordinary people and the middle class.

In Córdoba, UGT and CCOO have encrypted the participants at 20,000 and the Local Police at 5,000, in a demonstration of more than two hours that has started from the Plaza de las Tres Culturas and has concluded in the Plaza de la Constitución.

In Granada, thousands of people -15,000 according to the unions and 5,000 according to the Local Police- have demonstrated from the Fuente de las Batallas to the Government Subdelegation, behind a banner with the slogan: “No to labor reform. Unfair, ineffective , useless. With the workers. For the economy and for employment.”

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The demonstrators, including political representatives of the PSOE, IU, PA and EQUO, as well as social groups, have displayed banners with slogans such as “Hands up, this is a contract”, and slogans such as “Where are they, you don’t see the PP flags”.

In Malaga, the unions have estimated 25,000 demonstrators who have attended the march that has started at the doors of the union headquarters and has concluded in the Plaza de la Merced.

Some 7,000 people have gathered in Almería, in a protest without incident that began at the Puerta Purchena and was led by the union officials of the province.

In Huelva, the organization estimates that some 10,000 people have participated in the demonstration, which began in the Plaza 12 de Octubre and ended in the Plaza de las Monjas, in one of the largest mobilizations in memory in the city.

The union leaders of the convening formations have led the mobilization, with the presence of political leaders of all the leftist formations, among which the general coordinator of IU-LV-CA and candidate for the presidency of the Andalusian Government, Diego Valderas.

Around 3,000 people have gathered at the gates of the Government Subdelegation in Cádiz in protest at the labor reform approved by the central government.

The act, which began at 11 in the morning, has continued with a spontaneous march around the Puertas de Tierra de Cádiz and has been attended by workers from all over the province in more than twenty buses, as well as representatives politicians from all parties, with the exception of the PP.

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Some 1,200 people, according to National Police sources, and more than 1,500, according to the unions, have demonstrated in the streets of central Jaén, in a protest led by the provincial secretaries of the CCOO, José Moral, and of the UGT, Manuel Salazar.

The demonstration has left

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