October closes (and November opens) your calendar with a new bridge in sight. National holiday, for which the entire Spanish geography has November 1 (All Saints’ Day) as the date of non-draft, the different supermarket chains such as Aldi, Mercadona or Carrefour are also affected by closing their doors, in some cases, and changing schedules, in others.
The last weekend of the tenth month of 2021 closes, as usual, with a great focus on it since, in addition to being a holiday, the night from Saturday (October 30) to Sunday (October 31) as well as from Friday to Monday.
But going back to what the holiday is about, November 1 falls on a Monday for this 2021, so all of Spain will have a bridge with the possibility of making great getaways or innovative plans. However, the shopping basket does not rest and it will be in many homes that you have to go to the supermarket, even more so to start the new month.
For this reason, it is essential to pay attention to all the chains because on the 1st many will close, while others will change their hours to give their employees a certain festive margin. This is how All Saints’ Day affects large surfaces:
As usual on holidays, the Valencian chain will not open its doors on November 1 for All Saints’ Day. Nor will it do so on Sunday, while the other days, the Juan Roig supermarkets will open their doors from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., non-stop. .
The German chain par excellence has a more irregular schedule depending on its center and location. For this reason, on November 1 it will close all its doors with the exception of Madrid and some very specific locations, generally from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. .
The other large German surface has a different strategy and, as usual on festivities, does not close or alter its hours. Thus, Aldi establishments will generally be open throughout Spain from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. along the bridge, with the exception of Sunday, October 31. .
In general, all its centers throughout Spain are open for All Saints’ Day, the schedule will depend on the general rule according to which a center is open 24 hours a day on holidays or has a midday schedule (9:00-14:00). .
The English Court
A similar strategy is adopted by the department stores par excellence in Spain that do not alter their schedules next Monday, November 1. As if it were a Sunday, El Corte Inglés, Supercor, Hipercor and El Corte Inglés supermarkets open from 10:00 to 22:00. .
To field
Practically throughout the Spanish geography, the centers of the Spanish-French chain will be open on November 1. That yes, with different schedules, according to the center, the holidays in Alcampo are considered as any Sunday. .
Open every day, with a few exceptions, Dia establishments will not hold holidays for All Saints’ Day. In addition, except prior notice, the schedules do not change either entering the band from 8:30 to 23:00. .
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The Madrid chain will close all its establishments, generally, on All Saints’ Day. Of course, in return, on Sunday, October 31, it will open only in the morning from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. .