Names for Roblox: nicknames for girls, men and more –

Have a unique name or nickname when playing It is a way to stand out from other users and reflect the player’s personality from the first minute of the game.

In this article, we will list some names for Roblox that will serve as inspiration to have a unique nickname on the platform. We will also show you online name generators.

Previous requirements

All platforms have certain guidelines to take into consideration when creating a name, those of Roblox are the following:

  • The nickname should not have spaces.
  • It is composed of alphanumeric characters only, since specials are not allowed.
  • Upper and lower case letters can be used.
  • It is possible to place 2 underlined letters or numbers.
  • The nickname may have between 4 and 20 characters.
  • Do not use inappropriate words. For example, those with sexual or violent connotations.
  • Avoid nicknames from banned accounts previously.

Examples of names

There is a wide variety of names that can be used in Roblox. The following is a list of examples of nicknames for Roblox organized into different categories:

FeminineMaleunisexHeroicTerrifyingKittyKattySonOfLegolasNadersaruAmazon 26Joker_Son01GoddessAfroitaVictorinoxFoxtryxWarrior21TheGoodVillainAthena2OctavioNinja 3234YourHeroYourDownfallDiamondAnaLuckyLokiWarrior565Hercules02ZombieAliveBlueAngelBlackDiamondSHIELD_AGGameMasterGood_DemonPrincess _RosaDarkWingsLeviatan41Wakanda4everDark_Soul

These are just a few possible usernames. However, it is possible to choose any and adapt it or create a new one, taking the examples as inspiration.

The best pages to generate names

Below is a list of username generators for Roblox, these will serve to have new inspiration and create a unique Nickname:


This is a portal specialized in creating nicknames for all types of games, it is advisable to use it in the combine names function to get a unique nickname. Also, this is the option where no special characters are used.

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Official Web site:


This name generator for games has different valid options to create a nickname in Roblox. For example, it is possible to combine noun and adjective, or include the last name instead of some characteristic. It also shows a list of random options and any of the features mentioned are valid for Roblox.

Official Web site:


This tool brings together a series of features to create nicknames with combinations of words and numbers that match the hobbies and tastes of the users. You simply have to click on the “SPIN!” button. to generate options, until you find the best one.

Official Web site:


This is a page for username and password management. At the same time, it has a section for generate random names of all kinds, which can be personalized by choosing whether it is easy to read or write and whether you want to include uppercase, lowercase, numbers or symbols.

Official Web site:


This website allows create male or female names ideal for use in any gamer environment. To use it, you just have to choose the preferred option and select “Generate” repeatedly until you find the best option.

Official Web site:

These are all the tools and tips that every player should know to create a nickname in Roblox.

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