Pensions for people over 52: when can I retire and what requirements do I have to meet?

The current labor demand is capricious and demanding with those people who are not digital natives. Today, it is common for a person who loses their job near the end of their working life not to get it back. For this reason, a subsidy is provided for those over 52 years of age who have spent their unemployment benefit.

This is an amount that is granted until the beneficiary meets the requirements to access retirement. A monthly benefit that reaches 451.92 euros.

Requirements to access the pension for people over 52 years of age

In order to access the subsidy for people over 52 years of age, the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) establishes a series of requirements:

– Being unemployed.

– Not having the status of permanent discontinuous worker.

– Be 52 years old or older.

– Be registered as a job seeker for one month from the end of the unemployment benefit.

– Do not reject any job offer during the waiting month.

– Do not reject any training course during the waiting month.

– Do not earn income above 75% of the minimum interprofessional salary.

– Have contributed for retirement for a minimum of 15 years, two of which must be within the last 15 years.

– Have contributed to unemployment for a minimum of 6 years.

How can I apply for the pension for people over 52?

The person interested in receiving these monthly installments can make a formal request through four different channels:

– The SEPE electronic headquarters.

– At the benefits office, by appointment.

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– In any public registry office.

– By administrative mail.

In order to make the request correctly, the beneficiary must provide the following documentation:

– DNI or NIE.

– Any bank document showing the account number where you wish to receive the benefit.

– A proof of income.

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