Self-consumption with solar panels: How much does it cost? What help is there? When is it amortized?

With the new electricity tariff, the price of electricity changes throughout the day and is implying in families a reorganization of domestic activity and household spending. Thus, it is a good time to assess other energy sources such as solar self-consumption, one of the most profitable options, especially in Spain, one of the countries with the most hours of sunshine per year.

What to know before thinking about self-consumption with solar panels

Before taking the step to install electric solar panels at home, the HomeServe company explains that certain circumstances must be taken into account to obtain greater performance:

– Favorable domestic conditions. The roof where the panels are installed must be free of shadows, facing south and have a surface area of ​​at least 40m2.

– Harness the production of solar energy. The period of greatest photovoltaic generation is from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., so you have to take advantage of the light consumption during that time frame.

– Have an expert company for installation and maintenance. Turning to an expert company that can advise you and carry out a correct installation is key. In addition, good periodic maintenance of the solar panels will increase their performance and prolong the useful life of the installation.

What price do solar panels have for family self-consumption

A study published by the Idealista portal, which includes the company HomseServe, reveals that an installation of solar panels requires an average of 10 modules. In this sense, the solar energy company Otovo gives a more detailed scale of the approximate prices for a system. of self-consumption in Spain:

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– 5 modules: 3,100 euros

– 10 modules: 4,900 euros

– 15 modules: 6,400 euros

What help is there for the installation of solar panels?

The entry into force of the new electricity bill has also been accompanied by an aid program to finance self-consumption installations, energy storage equipment and air conditioning systems with renewable energies. A package that has an initial investment of

In the specific case of photovoltaic solar energy, the aid will range from 15% for a large company to 45% for an SME or a small system, less than 10 kW; individuals will be able to benefit from 40% -it rises to 50% in collective self-consumption systems- and public administrations from 70%.

In addition, with this program it will be possible to subsidize the investment in equipment and materials; civil works; electromechanical, hydraulic, control and auxiliary equipment; management and monitoring systems, drafting projects, technical reports and project management, among other actions.

In this sense, the guide for photovoltaic self-consumption for solar panels is divided into 3 large categories.

– Bonus of the Real Estate Tax (IBI) and the Tax on Constructions, Installations and Works (ICIO)

– Income tax deductions (IRPF)

– Regional or local subsidies

How long does it take to recover the investment?

The Idealista study explains that an investment in a 10-module system would translate into savings on electricity bills of up to 50%. In a home with average consumption, this would imply an amortization of the investment in 8 years, taking into account that the solar panels have a useful life of 25 years. The Otovo company guide lowers the return to less than seven years if other aspects such as aid and subsidies are taken into account.

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