SEPE’s advice to those who have to resume their strike: this is the deadline not to lose money

One of the circumstances that affects a worker who is collecting unemployment, the contributory unemployment benefit, is that he or she must suspend the collection of this aid due to one of the various situations contemplated by the Public State Employment Service (SEPE) even though he or she still has time to spend. For these citizens there is the option of recovering this pending unemployment.

The agency about the possibilities of resuming the contributory unemployment benefit. This resumption must be requested within 15 business days following the cause of termination of the suspension of unemployment. In addition, it has to follow, and be in one.

In the case of requesting that resumption after the deadline, the request will be processed but during that time the stoppage time will run without being perceived. For this reason, it is key to know how to achieve the resumption so as not to be left unprotected.

There is only one exception for which it is not necessary to request the resumption of the benefit: in all cases in which the suspension of unemployment is due to some minor or serious sanction imposed by the SEPE, since it will be done ex officio by the body if the citizen meets the essential requirements for it.

To resume the strike there are two options listed by the SEPE:

-In your , in the ‘Application for contributory benefit’ section, provided that you have a digital certificate (), electronic DNI, .

-In person at a SEPE office. You must request an appointment at the Electronic Office (with or without a digital certificate or Cl@ve PIN, ) or by phone, on 91 273 83 84 for an appointment and 24-hour service.

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Once the resumption of unemployment has been processed, you will receive this benefit for the remaining time and with the same regulatory base and the amount that previously corresponded to you (the percentage of that worker’s regulatory base).

Why is the strike suspended?

To request the resumption of the strike, it must have been previously suspended. The SEPE covers all causes of suspension of the contributory unemployment benefit. They are the following:

-Continuous transfer abroad for less than 12 months for “searching for or performing work, professional development or international cooperation”, as well as for other transfers for periods of less than 90 days, provided they are authorized by the SEPE.

-Carrying out work as an employee for less than 12 months or self-employment for less than 24 months if you have not been registered with any Social Security scheme and between 24 and 60 months if you are registered with the Special Scheme for Self-Employed Workers or the Special Scheme for Sea Workers.

-The entry into a situation of maternity or paternity.

-Compliance with a sentence of deprivation of liberty if there are no family responsibilities or family income that reaches at least the Minimum Interprofessional Salary.

-Sanctions for minor or serious infractions.

-For the performance of public office or union functions with exclusive dedication.

-When workers provide their services against their will or do not provide them while an appeal is being resolved for the possible nullity or inadmissibility of a dismissal.

-When the SEPE requires verifications so that the citizen proves that he meets all the requirements for the payment of the benefit.

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