The bank hires again in Spain after the ERE to reinforce the offices

Banks contract again in Spain to strengthen the branch network. Four of the main entities of this country have closed the second quarter of the year increasing employees. Specifically, between , , and they add more than 620 positions among their staff between March and June 2022. A growth that comes after once the worst moments of the pandemic have passed for three of the four banks (Bankinter has not made any adjustment of staff in recent years).

It should be noted that the figure of 620 more jobs as a whole comes from the net balance of their templates, that is, employees who leave due to the drip of closures of certain branches in areas without sufficient demand along with newly hired workers to reinforce other areas. Therefore, the sum of employee hiring is greater than what is reflected in the variation of the workforce.

Young and digital profiles

In fact, Banco Santander, which added 177 workers in Spain in the second quarter of the year, has a hiring plan open for 300 employees that will be carried out throughout this year. The financial group seeks to reinforce personnel in different offices at the national level, but especially in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​according to sources close to the entity. Santander approved an ERE at the end of 2020 that affected 3,572 workers.

For its part, Sabadell, which has also carried out two plans in the last two years to cut the workforce and which affected some 3,200 workers, has also increased the number of employees in this last quarter, adding 113 workers in Spain.

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BBVA has increased the workforce in our country by almost 200 employees in this second quarter of the year, reaching 24,995 workers. According to the sources consulted, the hiring responds, on the one hand, to digital and technological profiles and, on the other, to the objective of providing a better service to customers.

The case of Bankinter is different since, unlike its competitors, the workforce has been increasing in recent years in line with the growth of the bank, especially with (consumer subsidiary in Ireland). Bankinter has increased the number of employees globally in the second quarter by 135 positions. According to sources close to the entity, in Spain, the growth of workers is focused on the commercial network, although there is also growth in Central Services, with the aim of rejuvenating the workforce and incorporating young talent in all areas of the bank. In addition, they are also contracting in Ireland, a country where they entered the mortgage business almost two years ago.

The different union associations have been demanding for months that the bank replenish employment due to the high workload that workers have after the latest adjustments to staff and offices. CCOO also calls for an intergenerational pact to cover early retirement.

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