The Civil Guard warns: so you can know the ‘secret code’ of your mobile to prevent you from theft

Just as everyone has a DNI, every car a license plate or every supermarket product a barcode, every mobile phone has an IMEI. A code that practically any user does not know but that is unique to your device and can help you to block it in the event of theft, unlock it or repair it.

In a constant service of helping citizens through their social networks, the Civil Guard wanted this time, how to get it and what it is for. A series of digits that the operators always request when they report loss or theft and that it is convenient to have on hand.

First of all, you have to know that the IMEI acronym comes from International Mobile Equipment Identity and is nothing more than a unique identifier for any device. Your ID, so to speak, which provides certain information about its manufacture, model and series.

A set of 15 figures that breaks down as follows:

-Type Allocation Code (TAC). They are the first six digits, which indicate the organization in charge of regulating the phone sold and its country of origin.

– Final Assembly Code (FAC). The next two numbers indicating the manufacturer of the equipment.

– Serial number (SNR). The next six figures indicate the serial number itself.

– Verifier code. Finally, the fifteenth digit is a number with which it is verified that the IMEI is correct.

How to know what is the IMEI of my mobile?

About its location, every mobile has this series of digits written both on its back and on the box where it is packed after purchase. However, in the most modern devices it is normal that the back part cannot be opened easily, so it will be impossible to see it there except with the help of an expert.

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By typing the secret code, the IMEI will appear directly on the mobile screen

In addition, since the boxes are usually lost or damaged, leading to the IMEI being erased, there is a simple trick by which you can find out by typing a pattern on your mobile. The code *#06#, through which this license plate will appear directly by default.

And it is that, as the body itself points out, in the event of theft of the device, having these numbers written down or knowing can make it easier for the operator to block them so that thieves do not profit from their theft.

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