The Elysium City project continues its course in Extremadura

The processing of the Elysium City project, in Castilblanco, follows the course provided for in the Law on Large Leisure Facilities and in Decree 78/220, of December 23, 2020, by which it is classified as a Large Leisure Facility.

This is one of the most technically complex procedures processed by the Autonomous Administration. The forecast is that the file will be resolved in September 2022.

The Administration, as provided in the Law, specifically accompanies the promoter in the processing of the project, ensuring compliance with environmental and urban regulations.

Likewise, the project was transferred to the General State Administration, the Guadiana Hydrographic Confederation, the provincial councils of Cáceres and Badajoz, the environmental organisations, as well as the town hall of Castilblanco and the bordering ones and other affected Administrations so that, within the framework of their competences issued their opinion on it to offer all the guarantees to the project.

In total, more than fifty reports and allegations have been submitted. None of them supposes the impossibility of continuing with the procedure. In addition, there are favorable reports from the Castilblanco City Council regarding the Planning Plan with Territorial Incidence and the Execution Project for Large Leisure Facilities (POITEGIO) and the Urbanization Project in this municipality.

After the end of the public exhibition period, the reports, allegations and considerations received were sent to the promoter company in order to continue with the processing.

In consideration of the reports and allegations, the developer has submitted new documentation. It is a documentation of great complexity and technical rigor, relating – in particular – to the consideration of acoustic, light and carbon footprint impacts.

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It should be noted that, at all times, the promoting entity has strictly complied with the completion of procedures and other actions necessary for the execution of the project.

The Junta de Extremadura recognizes the effort made by the titular entity to attend to the requests made by the Autonomous Administration.

The response to them is reflected in a voluminous and consistent documentation. Documentation submitted to public exhibition, for 45 days and that is available in the

In this sense, the Junta de Extremadura is aware that the analysis of the different reports, allegations and considerations received in the public exhibition phase require time, positively assessing that the promoting entity makes the necessary efforts to improve the documentation provided.

After the analysis of this new documentation, it is expected that the file could be resolved in September 2022. All of this, with due attention to all those interested in the procedure, especially environmental organizations, in order to offer all the project guarantees.

Throughout this process, the Autonomous Administration specifically accompanies the promoting entity in the processing and execution of the same, under article 7 of the LEGIO and article 6 of the Law of Administrative Rationalization and Simplification of Extremadura, which will be published shortly in the DOE.

All this, without reducing the requirement of the obligations that the promoter entity must comply with in accordance with the specific legislation, especially, in environmental and urban matters.


By Decree 78/2020, of December 23, the initiative formulated by Castilblanco Elysium Corporation, SAU is classified as a Large Leisure Facility. In the same, the presentation by the holder of the Planning Plan with Territorial Incidence and Project for the Execution of Large Leisure Facilities (POITEGIO) is established, which would be submitted to the process of public information, for a common period of 45 days, and simultaneously, through the Transparency Portal and its publication in the Official Gazette of Extremadura.

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Simultaneously, during the same period, the affected municipalities should be heard and request as many sectoral reports from other Administrations as were mandatory, as a procedure for Consultation with affected Public Administrations and interested persons.

Once the documentation was presented by the developer, a Resolution was issued by the First Vice President and Minister of Finance and Public Administration, on February 1, 2022, initially approving the POITEGIO, and agreeing to open the process for public exhibition and the list of the lands indicated by the owner is publicized, for expropriation purposes. This resolution was published in the DOE and in the Official Gazettes of the Provinces of Badajoz and Cáceres.

Likewise, the project was transferred to the General State Administration, the Guadiana Hydrographic Confederation, the provincial councils of Cáceres and Badajoz, the environmental organisations, as well as the town hall of Castilblanco and the bordering ones and other affected Administrations so that, within the framework of their powers issued their opinion on it.

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