The new Equality plan of Montero will cost 1,000 euros to each taxpayer

The Government took advantage of this Tuesday, International Women’s Day, to present from Moncloa the III Strategic Plan for Effective Equality of Men and Women (2022-2025), endowed with 20,300 million euros. An amount that will have to be covered by the General State Budgets of 2022, so that it corresponds to an expense per taxpayer of 1,000 euros, since Spain has around 20 million people who contribute to the Treasury.

The initiative, announced after the Council of Ministers, comes just when the Government of these days will have to lower its macroeconomic picture -predictably-, since growth expectations and the impact of the invasion of Ukraine have diminished them, and therefore they will end up affecting the 2022 General Budgets.

Some public accounts that in any case. Despite this, the Podemite Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, recalled this Tuesday that this item represents 4.4% of the total non-financial budget, while in 2016, it barely meant 1.1%.

The Third Strategic Plan for Equality is an amount far removed, for example, from the Opportunities Plan for 2014-2016 -during Mariano Rajoy’s time as President of the Government-, endowed then with 1,558 million euros, as includes the well-known document of that time in the BOE, a plan also published by the Women’s Institute.

the roadmap

From a technical point of view, the III Strategic Plan 2022-2025, or road map of the Government and of the administrations as a whole, as Minister Montero pointed out yesterday, consists of four axes of intervention that range from Good Governance, the Economy for Life, the Fair Distribution of Wealth, passing to the Guarantee of Lives Free of Sexist Violence. Likewise, the plan includes 20 lines of work, 49 specific objectives and 141 operational objectives.

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Gender approach

By items, the largest is devoted to the Economy for Life, with 18,461 million euros, covering actions aimed at decent employment, reducing the wage gap, the pension gap and job insecurity, among other issues.

The chapter dedicated to eradicating sexist violence has a budget of 972 million euros. An epigraph – Minister Montero explained yesterday – dedicated “to strengthening the response systems of the institutions with the aim of arriving on time and preventing sexist murders.”

For the axis of rights, Irene Montero has allocated 826 million euros. This chapter focuses on helping women with disabilities, migrants, racialized women who suffer greater gender inequalities and who have not been well cared for, so that they can feel protected while promoting women’s associationism among them. .

This Tuesday, the head of Equality thanked the work carried out by the Women’s Institute and by all the ministries in preparing the Plan. And so, Montero explained that there will be a gender focus in the entire cycle of public policies that come out of each ministry, from the preparation of a law or a plan, to a public contracting specification or some subsidy bases. Apart from transversality and inter-institutional coordination, it also includes channels for citizen participation and preparation of studies and statistics that take into account the gender approach and impact.

The origins

The strategic plans for Effective Equality of Women and Men that we know today were previously Equal Opportunity plans.

Spanish legislation had the first of them from 1998 to 1990 -these plans are usually multi-annual, and are distributed in actions that go from the State to the Autonomous Communities and local entities-. At that stage, Felipe González was the President of the Government.

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Since 2016, Spain has not had a new plan

After this opportunity plan came those of 1993-1995; 1997-2000; and 2003-2006. As of this date, the plans became strategic plans thanks to the Law for the Effective Equality of Women and Men of 2007.

Since 2016, Spain has not had a new plan.

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