With the infections and the accumulated incidence stabilizing throughout the territory, Spain reaches the first long weekend of 2021, San José, which is not celebrated in all the provinces but it does represent the first challenge in terms of mobility that the country faces in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. To try to minimize the impact of this holiday, from March 17 to 21 a series of restrictions will be implemented that will later also be applied at Easter.
These restrictions appear and have the endorsement of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System (), made up of representatives of the Autonomous Communities and the Ministry of Health. They will affect all those: Valencian Community, Extremadura, Galicia, Madrid, Murcia, Navarra and the Basque Country.
What restrictions will there be in San José?
-The perimeter closure of the autonomous communities in which San José is a holiday is decreed. Although there are only seven (those previously mentioned), this means that the entire country, except the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands, will be subject to a perimeter closure that prohibits travel between autonomous communities, since the only community without a perimeter closure under normal circumstances (Madrid, as can be seen in ) is closed.
-Night mobility will be limited between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. In other words, there will be a curfew during those seven hours and people will not be able to circulate without permission during that period of time.
-Meetings in homes that include non-cohabitants are prohibited. These meetings at home for lunch, dinner or parties or celebrations with friends will have to wait.
-Groups of people in closed public spaces will be a maximum of four people and six people (except groups of cohabitants) for open public spaces.
???? Remember. From March 17 to 21, in all those where San José is a holiday, the coordinated actions will be in force compared to those approved by the plenary session of the Interterritorial Council of the SNS on March 10.
– Ministry of Health (@sanidadgob)