The Spanish stock market will open tomorrow, January 6, despite the Three Kings holiday

Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 6, will be another year marked in Spain by the festivity of the Three Kings. But not on the stock market because it will open at its usual time (from 9:00 a.m. to 5:38 p.m., in mainland Spain), as established by the calendar for 2021.

Specifically, this year has . This was decided in November by Bolsa y Mercados Españoles (BME), the managing company of the national market.

One such holiday has already passed: January 1, New Year’s Day. We will have to wait until April 2, Good Friday, to have a new break on the parquet.

The other three holidays remaining in the Spanish stock market will be April 5 (Easter Monday), December 24 (Christmas Eve) and December 31 (New Year’s Eve).

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