These are the differences between the contributory benefit (unemployment) and the unemployment subsidy

For someone who loses his job and has no possibility of finding another job in the short term, it is essential not to lose income, especially in those cases in which the salary supported a family. And, for this, the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) has different benefits to offer to the unemployed until they get a new job.

Although the best known is unemployment (officially known as a contributory benefit), there is also another figure that is not as recognized but equally useful: the unemployment subsidy. Both allocate an economic amount for the unemployed to receive, but they have differences between them. These, mainly, have to do with the quoted period, the duration of the aid and its amount.

Contributory benefit or unemployment

“The contributory benefit protects the unemployment situation of those who are able and want to work, lose their job temporarily or permanently or see their ordinary working day temporarily reduced by between a minimum of 10% and 70%”, defines the SEPE.

In order to receive unemployment, the interested party must comply, such as being affiliated and registered with Social Security, be legally unemployed, be available to actively seek employment and to accept a suitable placement, or the most important: have worked and contributed for at least 360 days within the 6 years prior to the legal situation of unemployment.

The duration of the contributory benefit depends on the unemployment contributions made in the last 6 years prior to the legal unemployment situation. In we explain how many days of unemployment correspond depending on the time quoted.

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Likewise, the amount to be received depends on the Social Security contribution bases for professional contingencies during the last 180 days of contributions. Depending on the contribution bases and the number of children, the amount to be received will range between 540.41 euros and 1,519.92 euros. However, from the SEPE they have , whose character is merely informative and non-binding.

unemployment benefit

“If you have worked for less than a year, you can access an unemployment subsidy, but you must bear in mind that the duration depends on the number of months you have contributed and whether or not you have family responsibilities,” describes the SEPE.

For , and as happens with unemployment, the unemployed person must be legally unemployed and be registered as a jobseeker. The main difference lies in the quoted time. While a minimum of 360 days was required for unemployment, “at least 3 months if you have family responsibilities, or at least 6 months if you don’t” are required for unemployment benefits. In the same way, they are required not to receive income of any kind greater than 75% of the minimum interprofessional salary.

Regarding the duration of the aid, the subsidy will last 3, 4 or 5 months if you have contributed 3, 4 or 5 months, respectively. And if the contribution exceeds 6 months, the subsidy will last 6 months in the event that there are no family responsibilities and 21 months otherwise.

The amount to be received “is equal to 80% of the public indicator of multiple effects income (IPREM)”. That is, 463.21 euros, according to the amounts for this year.

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