These are the requirements to collect the subsidy for people over 52 years of age

The State Public Employment Service (SEPE) manages more than 700,000 unemployment benefits on a monthly basis, . Within these benefits at the assistance level, citizens over 52 years of age are important, who have their own subsidy as they meet certain conditions that make them stand out from the rest of the workers.

These people are the ones who receive the subsidy for those over 52 years of age, an unemployment subsidy that is adjusted to a group of citizens close (or relatively) to retirement age and who are assumed to have greater difficulties when reintegrating into the labor market, which is why they are provided with special coverage.

As it is an unemployment assistance benefit, if a worker loses his job and is entitled to unemployment, he will not collect the subsidy for people over 52 years of age, at least until the time that corresponds to the collection of that contributory benefit has expired. But later he will be able to perceive it, like people who do not have the right to unemployment.

Apart from the more than obvious condition (reaching the age of 52), other requirements are needed to be able to collect the subsidy for people over 52 years of age. They appear collected and are the following:

-Be in a legal situation of unemployment. The SEPE explains in a section what are all the cases in which a citizen is in that situation and, therefore, has the right to collect a benefit.

-Having exhausted the contributory unemployment benefit or an unemployment subsidy, having returned to Spain after at least 12 months of work abroad in the last six years, returning from a prison term of at least six months, having improved from a disability permanent or have worked between 90 and 359 days without the right to collect unemployment.

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-Be registered as a job seeker () and sign the activity commitment with the SEPE.

-Do not have income above 75% of the Minimum Wage. If you live within a family unit, all the income of the members of the same will be counted and will be divided by the number of members.

-Have met all the requirements to collect a contributory retirement pension except age.

Amount of the subsidy for people over 52 years of age

If all these requirements are met, the next step is natural: how much will I receive when I am entitled to the subsidy for people over 52 years of age? As it is an unemployment subsidy, it is governed by the same rules as the rest to calculate the monthly amount that the citizen will receive.

Specifically, its amount is equivalent to 80% of the Public Indicator of Income for Multiple Effects, the IPREM. at the beginning of 2022 this amount has remained at 463.21 euros per month.

Duration of the subsidy for people over 52 years of age

Unlike the amount, the duration of the subsidy for those over 52 years of age is different from that of the rest of the unemployment benefits, which have certain limitations for their collection.

In this case, the subsidy lasts until the citizen (in case he does not find a job in the meantime) reaches the ordinary retirement age. At that time he would stop receiving the subsidy for those over 52 years of age and would begin to receive the contributory retirement pension.

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