To get to retire, workers have in mind throughout their working life different milestones that they have to meet. One of the most important is also one of the most obvious: the mandatory retirement age that must be reached in order to retire permanently and enjoy a well-deserved rest.
The ordinary retirement age in Spain is not fixed, as it changes over the years. The reason is the 2011 pension reform (here you can consult Law 27/2011, of August 1), which established a progressive schedule for increasing the retirement age that began in 2013 and will end in 2027.
Thus, with the arrival of a new year, the , is slightly increased, so that by raising this reference age, the age needed to take advantage of other forms of retirement, such as early retirement in any of its options, also increases.
The ordinary retirement age
To begin with, the ordinary retirement age in 2022 is 66 years and two months (two months more than in 2021) for people who have contributed less than 37 years and six months (in 2021 the limit was 37 years and three months ). The age of 65 years is maintained for people who do reach this price.
This retirement age determines the age at which access to other types of retirement such as early retirement is allowed. Depending on this reference age, the period in which retirement can be advanced begins to count, so that each year the ages at which early retirement can be accessed are also changed.
Early retirement age
Thus, for voluntary early retirement, the retirement age will be 64 years and two months for people with less than 37 years and six months of contributions, while people who do reach that contribution may retire voluntarily from the age of 63. year old. This is due to the fact that this type of early retirement contemplates advances of up to two years with respect to the ordinary retirement age.
The situation, however, may be different for two groups:
-That of workers whose profession is particularly dangerous, arduous or toxic, who have specific access to early retirement in each of these professions. The Social Security has a document that lists the age conditions for these groups.
-That of the workers of the Passive Class regime, who can retire early from the age of 60 if they have completed at least 30 years of effective service to the State and whose ordinary retirement age is 65 years ( although in some cases it is at 70 years).
In the case of early retirement due to a non-voluntary cessation of work, the so-called involuntary early retirement, the access age will be 62 years and two months for people with less than 37 years and six months of contributions and 61 years for the rest. The reason is that in this type of retirement, advances of up to four years are contemplated with respect to the ordinary retirement age.