These are the Social Security telephone numbers for pensions and benefits

In times of the coronavirus pandemic, non-face-to-face attention is more important than ever in procedures as crucial as those carried out by Social Security in terms of pensions and benefits for the unemployed or people with limited resources.

The body has informed through its that it has incorporated two new telephone numbers for its telephone attention service: 91 542 11 76 for inquiries about pensions and other benefits and 91 541 25 30 for an appointment with the National Institute of Social Security.

On its website, the Social Security informs of the rest of the telephone numbers that it has available for citizens to make their inquiries without having to go to the offices:

-The 901 16 65 65 for inquiries about pensions and other benefits of the body.

-The 901 10 65 70 for the automated prior appointment of pensions and other benefits.

-Phone numbers 901 50 20 50 and 91 541 02 91 for affiliation services, registration, collection, deferrals, RED, SLD, telematic services and general information.

-The free telephone number 900 20 22 22 for information on the Minimum Vital Income (IMV).

The to a telephone attention that guarantees a response to the citizen and that facilitates the information data required by him as quickly as possible. To ensure confidentiality, he explains, the documents you request will be sent to the address and name registered in the Social Security database.

If there is confusion, the entity will send the citizen a form to fill out so that they change the data and said documents and reports can reach their home without major problems.

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