This is Biow, the oxygenation system that protects the home from viruses and bacteria

We spend more than 90% of our time indoors and almost 50% of it in our homes, but this does not mean that we are exempt from contamination. In fact, much of the exposure to pollutants occurs in our own homes and premises. Surprisingly, pollution inside the home is between 5 and 8 times higher than on the street.

In businesses and premises we also have the same problem of nanoparticles due to the lack of ventilation and the effects of pollutants such as varnishes, paints, lacquers, cleaning products, textiles, pets, or even our own polluting action, without taking into account account the use of heating boilers, stoves, air conditioners, fireplaces, kitchens, irons, chemical products, appliances, etc.


In order to be protected anywhere, in recent years a technology capable of fighting bacteria and viruses in any space has been developed, as in the case of Biow, a state-of-the-art cellular oxygenation system with broad-spectrum nanofiltering, sweeping respiratory and thermal sterilization.

Specifically, the patented Biow system is the result of a complex and innovative filtering method. Viruses and bacteria go through a series of patented processes that subject them to plasma discharges, causing them to change their electrical charge to negative, thereby associating with other positively charged viruses and bacteria, creating filterable corpuscles. Thus, this system represents an achievement of more than 10 multilayer nanofiltering and sterilization processes that combine the most advanced systems in the world, from plasma generation to internal sterilization by double ultraviolet, ending with an infallible system of total biomass destruction.

Respiratory improvement in the first 48 hours

The respiratory system is the first to benefit from the use of Biow, since the particulate matter, gases, formaldehydes, etc., that we breathe inside the home, aggravate allergies, rhinitis, asthma, apnea or bronchitis, among others. In this sense, according to the data released by the brand, it has been verified that 92.69%% of users with less than 6 hours of sleep improved their hours of rest and that 88% of users with respiratory problems have experienced an improvement .

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– BACTERIA (0.5-5 microns) That cause so many diseases using their filtering power and with the double specific action of the ultraviolet lamps with a germicidal and sterilizing effect located inside.

– VIRUS (0.005-0.3 microns) (Covid-19 0.060-0.140 microns) Biow has several exclusive filters that even kill viruses.

– SPORES (3-200 microns) Thanks to its large, high-density HEPA 13 filter. Eliminates the spores that cause many common allergies.

– MITES (100-4000 microns) Our prefilter and HEPA 13 filter eliminate mites that may be suspended in the air. A great help for those who suffer from these allergies, thus avoiding diseases transmitted by parasites.

– DUST (1-500 microns) Eliminates dust from the air thanks to its pre-filter and large, high-intensity Hepa filter. Fabulous against dust allergy. It also helps keep your home and workplace clean.

– POLLEN (10-200 microns) Biow eliminates pollen in the air thanks to its large, high-density HEPA 13 filter and pre-filter.

– TOBACCO (0.1 microns) Eliminates fumes and volatile organic compounds (VOC), thanks to its HEPA 13 filters and its activated carbon filter. It also eliminates bad odours.

– FUNGI (2-75 microns) Our HEPA 13 filters eliminate 99.7% of fungi, and UV filters deactivate their DNA. Goodbye to allergies and the proliferation of humidity.


Fights short-term allergies and respiratory diseases

Biow has the safety and efficacy of having been tested in different tests carried out in official laboratories of recognized prestige, both for bacteriological tests and for the elimination of nanoparticles (Alce Laboratories for environmental microbiological control and SGS international laboratories). Thus, it has been possible to prove the following benefits in its use:

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– Respiratory improvements at 48 hours

– Improved rest in a few days

– In the skin and hair the improvement is noticeable in the first weeks

– More energy and vitality from the first months

– In the prevention and development of various diseases in future years, especially those related to microcirculation.

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