This is how you contribute to Social Security when you are on sick leave (and what you collect)

Unsubscribing for whatever reason does not imply that the worker is excluded from Social Security. By being linked to your company during all periods of temporary incapacity, the protection is maintained and so is the contribution.

The Social Security that the obligation to contribute, both for the worker and for the employer, “is not interrupted while the employment relationship lasts” and “even subsists in situations of temporary disability.” The message is clear: the worker may be on sick leave, but nothing changes in his responsibilities with the organization.

For the general scheme, the worker will have to contribute during the sick leave as follows: 4.7% for common contingencies, 1.55% for unemployment (1.60% if their contract is part-time ) and 0.10% for professional training. In total, 6.35% of the Social Security base.

In parallel, the employer will pay 23.6% for common contingencies, 5.50% for unemployment (it is 6.70% in part-time contracts), 0.60% for professional training and 0.20% by the Salary Guarantee Fund (Fogasa). Also a percentage for professional contingencies that varies depending on the category of the worker.

When the worker finds himself in a situation of temporary disability, which is commonly known as “taking sick leave”, he is entitled to collect the temporary disability benefit, intended to cover the absence of income in cases of common or professional illness, occupational or non-occupational accident, as well as in the observation for professional illness.

Only in cases of common illness are requirements required of the worker (being registered or similar situation, as well as having contributed 180 days within the last five years), while in the rest of the cases no conditions are requested for the collection of the benefit, which can be charged for up to a maximum of 365 days, which can be extended for a further 180 days if there is room for improvement.

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This is what you get when you’re on sick leave

The amount of the benefit (what is charged while on sick leave) also depends on the origin of the temporary incapacity and, in addition, on its duration:

-In cases of common illness and non-occupational accident, it is 60% of the regulatory base from day 4 to 20 of sick leave, and 75% from day 21.

-In cases of professional illness and accident at work, 75% of the regulatory base is charged from the first day.

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