Of the 24 hours that the day has, it is clear that few are left over, if not none. But precisely dedicating a little time to something specific and, if possible, different, for a minimum of time each day, seems to be one of the most appropriate routines to make better decisions and perform the rest of the tasks better. At least they agree on that.
Both employers practice the 5-hour rule, which advocates learning by actively reading about something new or engaging in various activities for at least one hour each work day. In this way, they intend to progress both personally and professionally, as they acquire new skills and knowledge.
The central tenet of the 5-hour rule is that investing at least five hours a week in deliberate learning can have enormous long-term benefits, regardless of success or insights gained.
And where do they get that time? Thomas Corley, author of, where he analyzed the routines of more than 200 successful entrepreneurs, concluded that by stopping just watching TV and listening to audiobooks, for example, taking advantage of moments of transportation.
Most of those who apply the five-hour rule divide their application into three different categories:
Have a daily reading habit, the common point of Musk and Gates
Reading regularly can help you unwind and gradually increase the knowledge of anyone.
The founder of Tesla or SpaceX, Elon Musk, says that he has been reading all the ideas about rocket engineering to better understand his engineers. On the other hand, Bill Gates is known to be a voracious reader and it is believed that he reads at least 50 issues a year.
Experimenting and analyzing what has been learned by putting it in writing is the second phase.
The next phase is based on experimenting with what has been learned, as well as testing new hypotheses. Musk’s space company, for example, is known for the many tests that have gone wrong with its reusable rockets, which Musk arrived at after concluding that one of the great problems of the aerospace industry is the amount of resources and investment that was lost in a single use.
The five hours that are marked a week can be used to read and then reflect on the knowledge acquired in the books, in addition to reflecting on various events at work or in your personal life.
After finishing a book, both Musk and Gates take their own notes to fix their knowledge, something that helps to learn new information and raise new questions.