This is the New Zealand law to end tobacco that could spread throughout the world

Goodbye, forever, to being able to buy a pack of tobacco. A law with the aim of keeping the new generations away from this habit that, strange as it may seem, has been welcomed in the oceanic country, to the point of being seen as a model in other States led by Singapore.

Tobacco has long gone out of fashion. Although it still represents a potential industry throughout the world, in China and the United States one in four adult citizens smokes, the constant policies to limit it from public life as well as health campaigns have gradually reduced the smoke of many lungs.

A bad habit against which New Zealand has built a wall that can hardly fall. In December 2021, its authorities announced the ban on buying tobacco from the age of 18 in 2027, as well as increasing the limitation by one year each year. That is, those born in 2009 onwards will never be able to buy cigarettes, so consumption is expected to drop considerably since then.

In addition, with the reduction of permits for sales premises, the rest of the world has begun to look favorably on this measure, which would be the great stone against tobacco since its consumption began to be prohibited inside bars and restaurants. To the point that Singapore has been one of the first countries to openly acknowledge that it is studying this policy.

Singapore contemplates the measure but will not develop it yet

“It’s an attractive proposal as it prevents young people from starting to smoke without putting too many restrictions on older smokers,” after being asked about it in Parliament. Of course, even without a specific plan like New Zealand, the measure should be studied calmly since, according to the country’s authorities, “young people are abandoning this habit on their own.”

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This is positive news for a State of more than five and a half million inhabitants, which considers the fight against vaping devices to be more important for now. More popular among the young population, Singapore seeks how to limit the restrictions against these electronic cigarettes because if they continue to increase “they would undo all the progress made against tobacco.”

In any case, the measure of New Zealand can be a precedent to be imitated by other countries so that the new generations can never buy, but smoke, causing a domino effect to further reduce the percentage of its consumers in the world. .

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