This is what a medical court values ​​to grant a permanent disability pension

The medical tribunal is one of the necessary filters to be able to receive a permanent disability pension. This is one of the most important parts of the process and one that is surrounded by more urban legends. Given its importance, it is important to know the procedure well if we have to go through it.

From it it is reported that both the EVI (Disability Assessment Team) and the SGAM (Subdirectorate General for Medical Assessments, in Catalonia) are in charge of making the assessments of people who have options to receive a permanent disability pension. or they have to renew said condition.

These medical tribunals do not have the last word, since the decision ultimately depends on Social Security, which is the one that receives their report. That is why its verdict, despite not being binding, does have a certain weight in the process, since it is in charge, ultimately, of elucidating whether or not a person has limitations in their work or even in their day-to-day life due to the injury you suffer.

Always seeking that knowledge, the court can follow several lines of action. With the medical reports provided by the affected person, he could carry out additional physical evaluations and, what is always more feared: a series of questions about our situation, certain inquiries that seek to know if we are incapacitated or not for work activity.

This is one of the most controversial points, since sometimes the questions of the court can be uncomfortable. In Campany Lawyers they explain that the objective of said court is to distance itself from the patient and simply rule on whether he is worthy of a disability pension. In that sense, they are quite far from what a normal doctor could be. In fact, and as the firm explains, the court is made up of “medical, civil servant and administrative staff.”

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In the event that the court considers that the person who has come to it is entitled to a permanent disability pension, it must also rule on the type of pension in question: partial, total, absolute or severe disability.

At this point, in Campmany they report that a pathology or serious illness does not have to lead to the allocation of a high-grade disability pension, since what the court evaluates is “the relationship between that reality and the labor market”, that is, how it affects or invalidates us for the labor market. There are four aspects to note here:

-The effects that the illness may have on employment, what may limit it and how it affects both the work that the worker performs and others that he or she could perform.

-The computation of ailments suffered, including those that took place before the relevant affiliation to Social Security.

-The possibility of correction, the possibilities that this person has to lighten or alleviate the incapacity that he suffers due to an ailment. This can reduce subsequent rulings.

-Other guiding criteria such as regulations or background that may serve as a reference for the members of the court.

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