Tinder is not just for flirting: why you should start including it in your Social Media Plan – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

speaking of Tinder reference is made to the popular dating app, where users look for a person, match them and start flirting. But Department of Health of Catalonia He has managed to get the users of this app to give yet another reason for them to flirt: urging to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Given the emergence of new variants such as the omicron and the so-called “flurone” (which combines the SARS-COV-2 virus with the flu), the Catalan Generalitat has reinforced its campaign to promote vaccines by paying for advertisements on Tinder , searching take your message to the population between 20 and 49 years old. This communication strategy tries to attract the “almost a million people who still do not have a first dose”, as emphasized Carmen HeadsSecretary of Public Health of the Generalitat.

But… why a campaign on Tinder?

Despite the millions of users that exist, dating applications are still a largely unexplored and untapped terrain for brands. This means that there are still many opportunities and creative ideas that could be put into practice on these platforms to interact with a predominantly young audience.

Tinder is a social network like otherswe campaign in Twitter, Facebook, Telegram… And this will try to capture the younger population who may have had a harder time finding a reason to get vaccinated”, Heads explained. This strategy, the first of the Generalitat in this social network, tries to use “the language of the platform.

If we haven’t met yet, ask me for a date”, reads one of these ads that appear on Tinder. By clicking on the image, which simulates the profile of the vaccine itself in the dating app, the user will be . The idea behind this campaign means that, once you make the appointment, you can “match” the vaccine.

According to the frequency of use of the app within Spanish territory in 2021 was high with 30% of users searching for the “match” daily. On the other hand, within the average number of Tinder users in Spain, it is estimated that people between 20 and 34 years old are the ones who use the app the most in the country. Another more than justified reason to carry out a campaign aimed at the young population.

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But in addition, each dating application is used mostly by a specific age group, with certain interests. For example, the majority of Tinder users are young adults who are not necessarily looking for a steady partner. All these profiles result in a collection of data that includes sexual preference, interests, hobbies, age range, ethnicity, educational level, likes, images, videos and personal information of each user. To this is added the type of profile to which the user is attracted and, if it is linked to others such as Instagram, it is possible to generate a complete vision of each person, which is a treasure trove of data for brands.

How does Tinder Ads work?

The case of this campaign is just one example of so many institutions, brands, and companies that have turned to Tinder to promote their products and services through their ads, which have a function similar to that of the app’s own profiles. The ad appears on the screen and when you “Swipe” on it, if you slide to the right, more information about a particular offer is displayed, while if you slide to the left, the ad is discarded.

Dating apps don’t work on an advertising level like Facebook or Instagram do. For example, Tinder shows an ad every 30 profiles, which makes it a less saturated space, improving the effectiveness and consumption of content by the user.

To get an advertisement for your business to appear on Tinder, you can purchase its space on Match Media Group (company that is also responsible for managing those ads published by other contact platforms such as Hinge, Match or OKCupid), or opt for the more conventional side: create them using Google ads either Facebook ads.

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To create an ad in Facebook Ads, you must choose the option “Audience Network” when the app asks you for the position where you want to place your material; in this option you will get the types of applications in which you can publish your ads. There you select the category “dating apps” and the different options will appear, among which -of course- Tinder stands out. You select it and that’s it.

In Google Ads, the mechanism is similar: after you have your ad ready, you must go to the “Apps” option to determine the position of this ad and choose Tinder.

What Tinder Ads Should Have

As with all other types of social media ads, there are best practices to follow when creating ads for Tinder. And of course, if you’re going to promote yourself on a dating app, you have to make an effort in creativity and style.

Here are some things to keep in mind when creating ads for this social network:

  • The importance of the first impression: Appearance is key. Users quickly swipe through profiles, only stopping if the person’s first photo catches their eye. For your ads to be successful on the dating app, you need to rely on this. Make sure your images are appealing to your demographic.
  • Do not miss the texts: In an app where people’s attention spans are short, you don’t want to waste your ad dollars on text that doesn’t convert. Write a FOMO-inducing description.
  • Help your audience to flirt: People use Tinder because they’re single and ready to mingle. Why not use your products or services to help users make a love connection? Find a way your product can help someone get that second date.
  • Simplicity is the key: To make your Tinder ad stand out, keep it simple. Tell the audience who you are and how you can help them, then make sure your calls to action are clear and compelling.
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Campaigns that have succeeded on Tinder

Some big brands have worked marketing strategies to promote themselves on Tinder and have succeeded. For example, Domino’s Pizza launched a campaign on the platform for Valentine’s Day 2018, getting men and women in the app to swipe right (like the post) and get special discounts and even free pizza. This campaign achieved a reach of 200,000 people and obtained more than 700 likes.

In Spain, even television networks have turned to Tinder to encourage the public to tune in to their high-rated programs, such as the agreement that the app has with Mediaset Spain to promote their television hits “The Island of Temptations” Y “Women and men and vice versa”two shows highly viewed by the average population who also use the dating app.

Or even one of the referents of the national eCommerce, cousinwhich on the occasion of Single’s Day, was present on the social network (in the cities of Madrid, Barcelona and Malaga) with an advertising activation designed ad hoc with dynamic offers.

This makes it very clear that if a good social media marketing strategy is worked on Tinder, the success can be even greater than what marketing agencies imagine.

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