Top 20: the most visited websites in Spain (2022) – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

Every day millions of they navigate looking for your favorite sitesand although it is logical to think that most of them access search engines such as Google or the different it is interesting to know what they are the others Most visited websites in Spain and how much time we spend on them

The most visited websites in Spain

This is a question that the study Digital 2022 can clear us once again. most recent report made by Hootsuite in conjunction with We Are Social offers us the top 10 of the most visited websites in Spain according to Similarweb, in which the undisputed winner is Google.comas you can see in the following list:

According to this study, Google is the most visited website by Spaniards, with average use of 11 minutes and 16 seconds (only in the domain) while in second place is YouTube, on whose video platform an average of 20 minutes and 06 seconds is spent with what becomes the web in which the Spanish spend more time. Closing the top 3 of this ranking with the most visited websites in Spain, we find in this edition Facebook, that repeats the place it occupied in the 2021 report. Mark’s social network recorded last year an average use time of 7 minutes 36 seconds, slightly less than in 2020.

In fourth place of the most popular websites in Spain, Google appears again, but this time under its local domain (Google is)with 8 minutes and 5 seconds of average use in the country in 2021. For fifth place we find Twitter, with an average use of 10 minutes and 28 seconds in Spanish territory during the past year.

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They complete this Top 10 of 2022 Instagram (7 minutes, 14 seconds) ranking sixth, in seventh place the official website of the sports newspaper Brand (8 minutes and 48 seconds passed by Spanish Internet users on, in eighth place (7 minutes with 13 seconds on average), the aforementioned Wikipedia in ninth place and, finally, the website of another renowned Spanish sports newspaper:, tenth with 7 minutes and 9 seconds.

So that you can compare, this was the list of the most visited websites in Spain in the previous year (data only for the month of December 2020):

Most used web search engines in Spain during 2022

More than evident is the dominance of Google worldwide in terms of web search engines and Spain is no exception. 95.51% of web traffic from search engines came from Googleclearly outperforming its closest competitors, such as Bing (2.94%), Yahoo! (0.98%) or DuckDuckGo (0.30%).

The most searched on Google by Spaniards during 2021

In this investigation, the most searched terms in Google by Spaniards could not be left aside: among all the searches that are carried out on the platform every day, the term “Time” remains the absolute leader.

Second appears “Time”, while “Youtube” ranks third among the most searched words in Google in Spain during 2021. They complete the top: “Translator” (4), “Facebook” (5), “Barcelona” (6), “Google” (7), “Amazon” (8), “Marca” (9) and “Liga” (10).

Notably “Coronavirus”, which took on much greater prominence in 2020, managing to be the second place among the most searched words in Google from Spain, it no longer even appears among the top 20 places on this list.

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The most used social networks in Spain during 2021

Regarding the most used social networks in Spain in the last year, WhatsApp has been in the lead with 91% of users of networks in Spanish territory. They accompany you on the podium their Meta «sisters»: Facebook (2nd with 73.3% of Spanish users) and Instagram (3rd, with 71.1%).

In fourth place we have Twitterwith 46.7%, while FacebookMessenger (another app from the Meta conglomerate) is fifth, with 38.6%, the same percentage as , which is sixth. The top ten positions in the list of the most used social networks in Spain during 2021 complete it Telegram (seventh with 38.3%), Pinterest (eighth place with 32%), LinkedIn (ninth place with 30.5%) and Skype (tenth with 23.2%).

The favorite social networks of Spaniards in 2021

One thing is the most used social networks but quite another is to measure them by their level of favoritism among the public. In this sense, WhatsApp is not only the most used platform, but also It is also the maximum favorite of Spanish Internet users and 39.7% of them ratify it in this study from We Are Social and Hootsuite.

In terms of popularity in the country, once again the Meta apps top the podium: in second place is Instagram with 21.4% favoritism and Facebook is third with 12.2%. follow him Twitterthe number 4 platform on this list with 6.2% preference in Spanish users, TikTok in box 5 with 4.8%, Telegram (6) with 3.4%, pinterest (7) with 2.1%, LinkedIn (8) with 1.4%, Discord (9) with 1.2% and FacebookMessenger closing the list in tenth place with 0.5% popularity.

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