As the good marketer that you are, surely you have already analyzed one by one all the options that we have given you in our compilation of the , but we know that there is another branch that you also want to get the most out of through training to blow it up even more so with your online store: e-commerce. Which are the best eCommerce masters? Keep reading! We tell you about the online and face-to-face training options that you should know about.
The best eCommerce masters
Although digital marketing is usually the main protagonist of the master’s degrees and specialized courses that you will find online, nowadays, there are many business schoolscio and universities that provide specific eCommerce training. In this case we will focus on these:
Recommended marketing courses and masters
Marketing4eCommerce Academy🥇
In you will be able to obtain all the necessary knowledge to enhance your professional development in the digital field. Although it is not a master’s degree, it has a wide range of courses, interviews and webinars for you to learn about digital marketing, eCommerce and marketplaces. joining the Plan Academy You will be able to access more than 50 courses to become a digital master and you will have access to the Private Community with a forum of experts that will help you answer questions or find your next challenge.
Also, if you want to take advantage of the summer to continue training and preparing for the start of the course, our summer camp is your ideal option. A summer campus for you to learn to sell online and digital marketing in just 9 weeks, 9 sessions that will allow you to lay the foundations for your digital project.
- Modality: on-line
- Price:
- Plan Free: free
- Community Plan: €12 per month
- : €39.99 per month
- Other queries:
Other marketing master’s degrees in alphabetical order
Constance Business & Protocol School
Master in digital business and electronic commerce
Here is a master’s degree that aims to become a professional of digital business and eCommerce, both to take charge of your own online store and to work for others. Do you like your digital training to be accredited by a university? The course taught by Constanza Business & Protocol School is accredited by the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), which means that those who complete the master’s degree and pay the university fees will have two diplomas: the one from Constanza Business & Protocol School and the one from UCAM. .
- Modality: on-line.
- Duration: 1,900 hours.
- Price: €3,700.
Master digital marketing & e-commerce, whose founder, , and project we had already presented to you a few years ago, includes an interesting option in its training offer: the , designed to help you acquire the necessary skills to become digital marketing specialist and eCommerce managerincluding in the training, of course, key strategies to lead and manage online projects.
What if we told you that this private school has its own exclusive job bank for your students? So that’s it. Through it, they send you job offers and other legal forms of contracting between the requesting company and you as part of the student body.
- Modality: online.
- Teaching dates: beginning October 19.
- Duration: 600 hours.
- Price: €1,330 (reduced from €1,900 for a limited time).
- Schedule: Live classes on Wednesdays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
E-commerce school
This institution offers specialized in each of the areas and divided into levels. You can specialize in web creation, advertising, management and the rest of the fields directly related to online commerce.
Ecommerce MBA
It offers all the knowledge and practice necessary to be able to manage commercial projects on the Internet at a professional level, leading the team in question and managing decision-making. To do this, you will learn and train in all areas that directly or indirectly affect the management of an online store, from internet advertising to financial accounting. The content will have a large practical part to test the knowledge imparted in a scenario that simulates reality.
- Modality: online (online face-to-face classes + recorded classes).
- Announcement: January 2023.
- Duration: 540 hours / 10 months.
- Price: €6,000 (discounts available up to 35%).
ESIC Business & Marketing School
Specialized online course in ecommerce
More than a master’s degree per seDo you prefer to do a specific eCommerce course? Then, you may be interested in the ESIC Business & Marketing School. The objective of this training is for you to acquire the tools and methodologies that allow you to implement and position your eCommerce online from scratch, as well as capture and obtain the ROI you aspire to.
One of the most notable features of this course, in addition to being taught exclusively by active digital experts, is that you will work with a project with a real briefwhich will allow you to apply the knowledge acquired throughout the training with something that you can experience with an eCommerce in your day to day.
- Modality: on-line.
- Announcement: September 2022.
- Duration: 3 months.
- Price: €1,950.
Esneca Business School
Master in Electronic Commerce
You already know the school of this master’s degree, because, on one occasion, we valued its . If you are looking for a specifically designed master for entrepreneurs, businessmen or workers in the field of digital communicationthe Esneca Business School may be for you.
Here You will learn aspects of great relevance for your work such as: B2C development, taxation in eCommerce, the strategic plan, how to build customer loyalty, network security, the presentation and marketing of products on the web, secure payment and the law of services, among many others. Once the studies have been completed and the evaluation tests have been passed, the student will receive a diploma with the stamp of a European Notary Public, which attests to the validity, content and authenticity of the degree at a national and international level.
- Modality: remotely or online.
- Duration: 300 hours.
- Price: €380 (can be financed in up to 12 payments).
Euroinnova Business School
Master Ecommerce: digital commerce, virtual stores, online marketing and SEO
Looking for eCommerce-focused training that also provides you with tools? Then, you may be interested in the one from Euroinnova Business School with a degree issued by the Antonio Nebrija University. The objective of this online master’s degree is to provide you with the concepts and tools necessary for your professional development in the digital field so that you can exercise as a technician or responsible for comprehensive eCommerce and online marketing projects.
- Modality: on-line.
- Duration: 725 hours.
- Price: €2,380.
- Price with scholarship: €1,299 (up to 12 installments).
IEBS Digital School
Master in e-Commerce & Digital Marketing
We know that IEBS does not take you by surprise because we have already told you about many of its training options, such as the and the . Are you looking for a training that gives you knowledge in all the areas necessary to manage an electronic commerce with a comprehensive vision? Then the IEBS Digital School may be the ideal option for you.
Here, you will work hand in hand with great professionals in the sector, seeing all aspects related to eCommercesuch as digital media planning, user acquisition, conversion optimization, catalog management, the last mile, and online marketing and sales strategies, among many others.
- Modality: on-line.
- Duration: 750 hours (10 months).
- Start: October 27, 2022.
- Price: €5,750 (scholarships available and financing in interest-free installments).
Postgraduate in omnichannel e-Commerce
If you prefer one training focused exclusively on eCommerce or, more specifically, in the management of the catalog of products and prices, the design of logistics and the construction of memorable experiences for your clients following a Social, Local and Mobile marketing strategy, he may be what you are looking for.
- Modality: on-line.
- Duration: 10 months – 375 hours.
- Start: October 27, 2022.
- Price: €3,250 (scholarships available and financing in interest-free installments).
Master in e-Commerce and tourism
If you have a business or work in the tourism sector and are looking for specialized eCommerce training in your area, IEBS is a good option for you. Included in the program of this training are the more advanced techniques of digital marketing and positioning in the online channel that can be great for you in your work in the sector.
- Methodology: on-line.
- Duration: 10 months – 750 hours.
- Start: October 27, 2022.
- Price: €5,750 (scholarships available and financing in interest-free installments).
IM Digital Business School
Professional Master in E-Commerce Management
The appears as a complete training, which offers a 360 view of this disciplineincluding in the contents, of course, the projection of the business model, the creation of an online store and the strategic management and direction of an eCommerce.
- Modality: face-to-face, face-to-face video or online.
- Duration: 6 months – 1500 hours.
- Face-to-face start (Barcelona) and face-to-face video: October 26, 2022, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
- Start online: July 13, 2022.
- Price: Consult.
INSA Business, Marketing & Communication School
Postgraduate in eCommerce
Are you more of face-to-face training? There are also centers that offer their face-to-face eCommerce training. One of them is INSA Business, Marketing & Communication School and its . This is taught in Barcelona and in it you will learn the keys to carry out your work as an eCommerce manager and the necessary strategies to succeed in the universe of online sales.
- Modality: face-to-face, in Barcelona.
- Duration: from October 2022 to July 2023.
- Schedule: Thursday from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
- Price: €2,600.
ISDI: Digital Business School
Sales in B2B & Ecommerce
The ISDI is an online program designed so that managers and professionals can specialize in online sales, making the most of their sales, whether they have another company as a client or sell to an end user. The objective: to understand the rules of the digital business market and the relationship between companies and consumers.
- Modality: on-line.
- Duration: 10 weeks, 100 hours
- Start: October 22, 2022.
- Price: €7,650.
ISEB European Higher Institute of Barcelona
Master in Electronic Commerce and Digital Marketing
Are you looking for a training that gives you skills to lead projects in digital environments? Well, this is the goal of of ISEB Higher European Institute of Barcelona. In this program, digital marketing techniques are integrated with eCommerce. In addition, live classes, sessions given by invited experts and, pOr if that were not enough, a free and optional English course is also included.
- Modality: on-line.
- Duration: 12 months.
- Start: anytime.
- Price: €11,400.
- Price with scholarship: €1,250.
Master in eCommerce