When carrying out different procedures with State agencies, you usually have to pay an amount as fees. Whether to obtain a university degree, to renew the DNI or to obtain a driving license.
In a context of inflation, with the CPI, many of the rates that citizens must pay for certain services have risen in price. And some of the best known, those that are paid through (those that correspond to Traffic), have also done so.
As stipulated in the General State Budgets for the year 2022, the rates of the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) increase this year by 1%. According to the text, the increase corresponds to “the increase in costs of the provision or performance of the services or activities for which they are required.”
https:///ecomotor/motor/noticias/11315787/07/21/Los-jovenes-pasan-del-carne-de-conductor-la-tendencia-que-poder-marcar-el-futuro- of-the-automotive.html
In this way, obtaining a driving license costs almost one euro more than a year ago, since in 2022 the price is 94.05 euros compared to 93.12 euros in 2021. Something similar occurs with the rate of issuing circulation permits, since in 2022 it will cost 99.77 euros compared to 98.78 in 2021. You can find all the updated prices.
In other rates that are not so high, such as the one corresponding to the Issuance of moped circulation licenses and changes of ownership of the same, the extra cost will not have as much impact, going from 27.57 the previous year to the current 27.85 euros . For the rest of non-moped vehicles, the change in ownership of the registration certificate goes from 55.15 euros to 55.70, just over half a euro.
Other fees, such as the application for the extension of the validity of driving permits and licenses, cost 24.58 euros, 24 cents more than last year. And for those who lose a document, duplicate permits and driving and circulation licenses cost twenty-one cents more (20.81 euros).