Treasury improves personal income tax for pension plans

The Treasury has decided to maintain at 10,000 euros the maximum limit for the amounts contributed to social security systems, which have not been subject to a reduction in the tax base of the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) for periods prior to 2022, with regardless of whether they come from the worker or from the company.

In this way, the current proportionality of contributions is eliminated, which limits those of the worker to 1,500 euros and those of the company to the remaining 8,500 euros, for amounts from previous years that could not be reduced due to insufficient tax base. or for exceeding the established percentage limit.

Thus, it appears in the draft Regulation, which the Treasury has currently published for public consultation, in which this application is simplified both for the Tax Agency and for taxpayers, since the Tax Administration recognizes in the text that the current system added enormous complexity to the scheme of reduction limits in the tax base.

For this reason, the calculations to be carried out to carry out the imputations of the amounts not reduced in previous periods are simplified, at the same time as it is guaranteed that only the amounts that were contributed can be reduced while respecting the financial limit.

retroactive effect

An important novelty is that this same regime is also extended to the excesses pending reduction on the date of entry into force of this future Royal Decree, through the modification of the nineteenth transitional provision of the Personal Income Tax Regulations.

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On the other hand, the excesses corresponding to collective dependency insurance premiums, to contributions to social security systems set up in favor of people with disabilities and professional sportsmen’s social security mutual societies will be allocated respecting their own limits.

Finally, the pan-European individual pension products regulated in Regulation (EU) 2019/1238 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of June 20, 2019, regarding a pan-European individual pension product (PEPP), will be applicable in income tax the treatment that corresponds to pension plans.

The saver’s contributions to pan-European individual pension products may reduce the general tax base in the same terms as those made to pension plans and will be included in the joint maximum limit of 10,000 euros for social security systems.

Also, the General Regulation of the performances and the tax management and inspection procedures is modified to collect, among those obliged to provide information about the contributions to social security systems, the promoters of the PEPP, which must include the savers individually. in such plans and the amount of the contributions made by them.

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